Do you want to live another 100 years or more Some experts say that scientific advances will one day enable humans to last tens of years beyond what is now seen as the natural limit of the human life span. "I think we are knocking at the door of immortality (永生), "said Michael Zey, a Montclair State University business professor and author of two books on the future. "I think by 2075 we will see it and that’s a conservative estimate (保守的估计)."
At the conference in San Francisco, Donald Louria, a professor at New Jersey Medical School in Newark said advances in using genes as well as nanotechnology (纳米技术) make it likely that humans will bye in the future beyond what has been possible in the past. "There is a great push so that people can live from 120 to 180 years," he said. "Some have suggested that there is no limit and that people could live to 200 or 300 or 500 years." However, many scientists who specialize in ageing are do
A. they believe that there is no limit of living
B. they are sure to find the truth about long living
C. they have got some ideas about living forever
D. they are able to make people live past the present life span
In the people’s Republic of China the
odd prequake behavior of horses and other animals (1)
successfully to warn people that earthquakes (2) . Recently,
a group of American geologists and geographers visited China and listened with
great interest (3) the scientists there (4)
explained how they have been able to predict many earthquakes in the
past three years. The American scientists compared the (5)
of the unique Chinese program (6) the impact of Chinese
acupuncture (7) Western medicine. The Chinese scientists use (8) but they also monitor strange (9) such as various ground noises, the fluctuation of well-water levels, and the strange behavior of animals. The results are quite interesting, Chinese seismologists, for example, (10) predicted two magn A. had said B. would have said C. wouldn’t have said D. hadn’t said [多选题]在提速区段作业时,必须严格遵守下列规定( )。
A.现场作业人员接到电务值班人员通知后,应立即停止作业,下道躲避 B.躲避列车时,应距线路3m以上距离,并蹲下身体 C.特快旅客列车到达前10分钟停止在列车通过的线路上和相邻线路上一切电务设备检修作业 D.160km/h及以上特快旅客列车到达前,相隔两个区间停止在列车通过的线路上和相邻线路上一切电务设备检修作业 [判断题]公职人员依法履行职责受法律保护,非因法定事由、非经法定程序,不受政务处分。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题](64225)东风4B型内燃机车TKH6型转换开关主触头超程为( )mm。(2.0分)
[多选题]附件安装完毕后,方可拆除跨越架。( )跨越架应自上而下逐根拆除,并应有人传递,不得抛扔。不得上下同时拆架或将跨越架整体推倒。
A. 悬索 B. 钢管 C. 木质 D. 毛竹 E. 新型金属格构式 [判断题]通信设备维修工作必须树立质量第一的思想,坚持“预防”为主的方针。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]涉及安全生产的情况应报不报、故意拖延或者不如实报告属于涉及安全生产弄虚作假行为。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]保险合同具有商业性和( )性质。
A. 经济性 B. 保障性 C. 互助性 D. 法律性 [单选题]自感电流的方向总是与外电流的方向()。
A.相同 B.不一致 C.相反 D.交叉 [简答题]
初三某学生平时学习懈怠,课堂自律能力差,且经常干扰其他邻座学习,经班主任教师多次教育不见改变。班主任教师联系其父母,因种种原因,一直未能联系上。班主任便三番五次找该生谈话,希望其自动退学,该生一来厌学,二来老师不断施压,最后选择了自动退学。 [单选题]水是最常用的灭火剂,木头、纸张( )等起火,可以直接用水扑灭。
A.天然气 B.柴油 C.棉布 D.汽油 我来回答: 提交