The first rule of finance is to live within your
means by spending no more than 80% of your take-home pay. If you take home $100
per week, spend no more than $ 80. But ever look at what people spend their money on I have relatives and friends deeply in debt, spending $12 for every $10 they earn instead of the $ 8 you know they should be spending. When I see them, they’re proud of their new whatever. "What do you think of my new truck" asked one from the driver’s seat. "Do you like my new shoes" asked another on high heels. "Check out my new big screen," said a third while holding the remote in his living room. We’ve all heard people fishing for compliments on their new toys. Every one of them was proud of what they’d financed. They seem to have bought it for the purpose of being proud, of showing off, of keeping up with the A. indicators of wealth B. necessities to the buyers C. just a waste of money D. example of showing off [单选题]( )是3岁食物质地的选择。
A.稀糊状 B.碎末状 C.碎块状 D.成人饮食 [单项选择]直流电流表的测量范围一般为()。
A. 10-7~102A B. 10-5~103A C. 10-8~104A D. 10-2~102A [多选题]公安机关应当加强安全教育,增强公安民警的安全防范意识,及时发现并正确处理队伍内部问题,积极消除安全隐患。强化安全训练,确保公安民警( )不断提高自我防护、预防安全事故的能力。
A.熟练使用警械武器装备 B.规范使用交通工具 C.正确处理各类情况和问题 D.加强经常性安全防范 [单选题]组立的杆塔不得用临时拉线固定过夜。需要过夜时,应对临时拉线采取( )。
A.夜间施工措施 B.防雷措施 C.保护措施 D.安全措施 [简答题]
假定某国对进口彩色电视机征收 10% 的从价税,在自由贸易条件下,该品牌电视机的价格为 3500 元,其中投入的原材料价格为 2100 元。试计算: 原材料免税时的有效保护率。 [单项选择]协议版本号小于()的终端,无法建立RC4呼叫。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [单选题]下列关于职业道德与一般道德规范的关系表述错误的是( )。
A.具有一致性 B.一般道德规范属于公德的范畴,而职业道德不属于公德的范畴 C.职业道德反映了社会道德对职业的具体要求 D.职业道德与一般道德规范相比,带有具体的职业活动特征,不值得提倡 [多选题]电能在传输过程中产生线损原因主要有(____)。
A. 电阻作用 B. 电磁作用 C. 电压作用 D. 管理不善 [单选题]安静时K由细胞内向细胞外的移动属于( )
A.出胞作用 B.主动转运 C.单纯扩散 D.经载体扩散 E.经通道扩散 [单项选择]增值税小规模纳税人的计税依据是( )
A. 含增值税税额的销售额 B. 不含增值税税额的销售额 C. 不含增值税和消费税税额的销售额 D. 含增值税税额的销售额扣除成本费用后的余额 [单选题]超声波法例行试验时,超声波信号稳定后测试时间不少于()。
A.5s B.10s C.15s D.20s [不定项选择题]道岔的种类正确的有( )。
A.单开道岔 B.双开道岔三开道岔 C.菱形交叉道岔 D.复式交分道岔 E.其他道岔 [判断题]解钩按钮在司机室未激活情况下也有效。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交