The free enterprise has produced a
technology capable of providing the American consumer with the largest and most
varied marketplace in the world. Technological advances, however, have come
hand-in-hand with impersonal mass marketing of goods and services. Along with
progress, too, have come some instances of manipulative advertising practices
and a great increase in products whose reliability, safety and quality are
difficult to evaluate. Today’s consumers buy, enjoy, use and discard more types of goods than could possibly have been imagined even a few years ago. Yet too often consumers have no idea of the materials that have gone into the manufacturer’s finished product or their own motivation in selecting one product over another. Easy credit and forceful techniques of modern marketing persuade many consumers to A. the free enterprise system in America B. the difficulty of living on a fixed income C. innovative techniques in food processing D. the advances of advertising techniques [简答题]平板硫化机的用途?
[单选题]周期为0.01s的交流电量,其频率为( )Hz
A.100 B.50 C. 150 D.25 [填空题]研磨剂是由( )调合而成的混合剂。
A.N2指示呈红色闪烁 B.N2指示呈琥珀色闪烁 C.红色的N2指示旁边显示一个红叉 D.N2指示没有了 [简答题](140)蒸发操作中,什么叫汽化潜热?
[判断题]人员密集场所是指有可能发生造成重大人员伤亡,重大财产的火灾,爆炸、毒害等灾害事故的场所设施。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]下滑台天线前方保护区的草长高之后,会引起下滑角升高。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 空气中硫化氢浓度超过150 mg/m3(100PPm)时( )。
A.立即向安全环保处报告 B.实施对井场和附近居民的紧急撤离 C.现场工作人员佩带正压式空气呼吸器,立即组织危险区域的员工和群众有秩序地向上风方向迅速撤离到安全区域 D.设置警戒区,任何人未经许可不得入内。 [单选题]在临边堆放弃土、材料和移动施工机械应与坑边保持一定距离,当土质良好时,要距坑边( )远。
A.0.5m以外/高度不超0.5m B.1m以外/高度不超1.5m C.1m以外/高度不超1m D.1.5m以外/高度不超2m [单选题]上海局集团公司企业精神的表述语是( )。
A.创新实干、精益卓越 B.精细务实、先行致远 C.上善笃行、创新争先 D.创新实干、追求卓越 [单项选择]下列哪种变性是发生于细胞内()。
A. 脂肪变 B. 细动脉玻璃样变 C. 淀粉样变 D. 黏液样变性 E. 以上都不是 [单选题]1.28 小型、微型非营运载客汽车从注册登记之日起,超过6年不满15年的,每_____检验1次。
A.6个月 B.1年 C.2年 D.3年 [多项选择]对于医学伦理学原则的各种理解,正确的有:()
A. 社会主义医德基本原则是衡量个人行为和医学道德的标准 B. 尊重患者的人格权包括尊重生命权、身体权隐私权及人身自由权 C. 尊重患者自主决定了医务人员是没有自主权的 D. 基本原则是调节各种医学道德关系的根本准则和最高要求 我来回答: 提交