负债总额比2000年的主营业收入多()。 The balance of payments is a
statistical record of all the economic transaction between residents of the
reporting country and residents of the rest of the world during a given time
period. The usual reporting period for all the statistics included in the
accounts is a year. A good or bad set of figures can have an influential effect
on the exchange rate and can lead policy makers to change the content of their
economic policies. Deficits may lead to the government raising interest rate or
reducing public expenditure to reduce expenditure on imports. Alternatively,
deficits may lead to calls for protection against foreign imports or capital
controls to defend the exchange rate. A key definition that needs to be resolved at the outset is that of a domestic and foreign resident. It is important to note that citizenship and residency are not nec A. The balance of payments is a digital table of all the economic transactions between residents of the reporting country and residents of the rest of the world during a given time period. B. The balance of payments is a figured table of all the economic transactions between residents of the reporting country and residents of the rest of the world during a given time period. C. The balance of payments is a statistical record of all the economic transactions between residents of the reporting country and residents of the rest of the world during a given time period. D. The balance of payments is a digital record of all the economic transactions between residents of the reporting country and residents of the rest of the world during a given time period. [单选题][题号:985;鉴定点:BCB005;选择题;题分:1;难度:3;一致性:5]
如果各控制阀及泵( ),而加碱量回零,可认为文氏管堵塞。 A.控制阀失灵 B.工作都正常 C.泵不上量 D.工作都不正常 [多选题]可燃气体检测仪的工作原理是( )。
A.催化燃烧 B.焰色反应 C.红外吸收 D.紫外检测探测 [单选题]电力系统中以“kWh”作为( )的计量单位
A.电压 B.电能 C.电功率 D.电位 [判断题]安全检查工不坚守岗位而发生事故的要追究其行政责任。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]长期用药可发生耐受性和依赖性的药物是()
A.阿司匹林 B.苯妥英钠 C.地西泮 D.氯丙嗪 E.卡马西平 [单选题]小张和小李发生矛盾后,双方熟悉、尊重和乐于听其意见的老王出面化解了矛盾。这种协调沟通解决问题的方法可以称之为( )。
A.A、穿针引线法 B.B、求同存异法 C.C、专家权威法 D.D、感情笼络法 [单项选择]患者男,61岁,因“心悸、乏力、消瘦1年,咳嗽、咳痰伴发热2周,心悸、乏力、发热加重3d”来诊。2周前发热,体温37~38℃,服用止咳去痰药物。近3d体温持续在39.0℃以上。查体:P110次/min,R32次/min,BP180/50mmHg;消瘦,意识模糊,烦躁不安,大汗;甲状腺Ⅰ度肿大,可闻及血管杂音;双肺大量干、湿性啰音;心界不大,HR160次/min,心房颤动样心律,心尖部可闻及Ⅰ/Ⅵ级收缩期吹风样杂音;下肢无水肿。最可能的诊断是()
A. 甲状腺功能亢进症,甲状腺功能亢进症性心脏病,甲状腺危象,肺部感染 B. 冠状动脉性心脏病,心肌梗死,肺部感染 C. 肺部感染,败血症 D. 风湿性心脏病,心力衰竭 E. 高血压性心脏病,心力衰竭 [单选题]
第四章_单选题 已知AB两点的坐标为A(500.00835.50)B(455.38950.25)则AB边的坐标方位角( )。 A.68°45′06″ B.-68°45′06″ C.248°45′06″ D.111°14′54″ [单项选择]鉴别小檗碱可用()
A. 二硫化碳一碱性硫酸铜反应 B. 茚三酮反应 C. 漂白粉显色反应 D. 醋酐一浓硫酸反应 E. 氯仿一浓硫酸反应 [单选题]在居民区及交通道路附近开挖的基坑,应设坑盖或可靠遮栏,加挂警告标示牌,夜间挂( )。
A.黄灯 B.绿灯 C.红灯 D.红外灯 [单项选择]验证两个样本的方差的不等是否是由于抽样误差引起的可用哪种方法()
A. 两独立样本比较的t检验 B. u检验 C. 方差齐性检验 D. t′检验 E. 正态性检验 [单选题]有关生命医学伦理学基本原则的描述,错误的是 ( )
A.不伤害 B.保护 C.尊重 D.公正 E.有利 [判断题]相互接触容易引起燃烧、爆炸的物品,只要隔开就可以混装这种说法是正确的吗。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]油轮灌舱、油品装卸或燃油驳运等易燃易爆场所作业,未按规定配备、使用防爆工具或设备,属于()
类违章行为。 A.一般 B.较大 C.严重 D.禁止 [单选题]行车基本闭塞法采用( )。 J309
A.自动闭塞、自动站间闭塞、半自动闭塞。 B.自动闭塞、半自动闭塞 C.自动闭塞、半自动闭塞、电话闭塞。 [单选题]某矿井斜井开拓,斜井中心线的斜长为300m,斜井的倾角为30°,试计算斜井中心线的水平长度和上下两点的高差为( )m.
A.100 B.150 C.200 D.190 [判断题]凡是节假日除生产生活值班车辆外,其他车辆一律实行“三交一封”制度。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]柴油机启动时油、水温度不得低于20摄氏度;柴油机加负荷时油水温度不得低于( )。
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