The nation’s{{U}} (19) {{/U}}of vaccine for
the impending flu{{U}} (20) {{/U}}took a big hit Thursday when Chiton
Corp. announced it had found tainted doses in its factory. The company said it will hold up shipment of about 50 million shots—about half the supply U.S. health{{U}} (21) {{/U}}had hoped to have on hand this year—while it{{U}} (22) {{/U}}what went wrong and determines whether the vaccine is safe to use. "There’s no product that is going to go into the arms of the American public that will not have been{{U}} (23) {{/U}}to have met the highest standards of{{U}} (24) {{/U}}," chief executive Howard Pien said. Pien said t A. A.feature B.nature C.truth D.information [填空题]灭火救援现场清理时,检查燃气管道、液化气瓶、危险化学品等危险源有无泄漏情况,防止发生( )、( )、( )、( )等。
A.形式主义 B.官僚主义 C.享乐主义 D.奢靡之风 E.个人主义 [单选题]在桥梁上和车站内进行大型养路机械线路清筛作业,受建筑物限制时,可酌情减小清筛深度,但不得小于( )mm,并按原线路标准进行起、拨道。
A.250 B.300 C.350 D.400 [不定项选择题]球罐安装完后,要进行相应的检验,以保证球罐的质量,正确的质检次序为()。
A.焊缝检查→水压试验→气密性试验 B.焊缝检查→气密性试验→水压试验 C.焊缝检查→气密性试验→气压试验 D.焊缝检查→水压试验→气压试验 [单项选择]女,22岁。因牙齿松动拔除牙齿,拔牙后1小时将压迫的纱卷吐出,当即发现牙槽窝出血。常见的原因是()
A. 血凝块脱落 B. 牙槽窝内残留炎性肉芽组织 C. 牙槽骨骨折 D. 遗留残根 E. 遗留残片 [填空题]凡影响营业线行车设备稳定、正常使用、行车安全的各种维修作业项目均应在<--NRC-->时间内进行。
[填空题]现场防护员应根据施工作业现场( )、( )施工人员和机具布置等情况确定站位和移动路径,并做好自身防护。
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