Community courts and community justice prevailed in
England at the time of the Norman Conquest (1066). The legal system was
ritualistic, dependent upon oaths at most stages of litigation, and permeated by
both religious and superstitious notions. The proceedings were oral, very
personal, and highly confrontative. Juries were unknown. One party publicly
"appealed," or accused, the other before the community meeting at which the
presence of both was obligatory. To be absent meant risking fines and outlawry.
After the preliminary statements of the parties, the court rendered judgment,
not on the merits of the issue nor the question of guilt or innocence, but on
th A. carefully questioning witnesses B. carefully assessing physical evidence C. an adversary proceeding, or battle D. relying on the assistance of God [填空题]Steve and Yaser first met in their chemistry class of an American
university. Yaser was an international student from Jordan. He was ex- cited to get to know an American. He wanted to learn more about A- merican culture. Yaser hoped that he and Steve would become good friends. At first, Steve seemed very friendly. He always Yaser [1] ______ warmly before class. Sometimes he offered to study with Yaser. He ever [2] ______ invited Yaser to eat lunch with him. But after the semester was over, Steve seemed more near. The two former classmates didn’ t see each [3] ______ other very much at school. One day Yaser decided to call Steve. Steve didn’t seem very uninterested in talking to him. Yaser was very hurt [4] ______ by Steve’s change attitude," Steve said we were friends," Yaser com- [5] ______ plained of. "And I thought friends were friends forever. " [6] ______ Yaser is a little confused. He is an outside to American cultu [判断题]照明灯具的悬挂高度不应低于3m,并不得任意挪动,低于3m时应设保护罩。照明灯具开关应控制相线。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]我国城市绿化相关法律法规逐渐完善是在20世纪90年代以后。
[多项选择]国际物流运作要求有高效的基础设施支持,其基础设施应包括( )。
A. 港口 B. 铁路运输设施 C. 公路运输设施 D. 内河运输设施 E. 内陆清关仓库和集装箱货运站 [单选题]9. 钻机基础应适当高出地面,并考虑排水设施,目的是( )。
A.A、为了保持整洁 B.B、防止基础下沉 C.C、保护环境 D.D、便于施工 [多选题]关于违反治安管理行为人所享有的权利,下列说法正确的是
A.作出处罚决定后,公安机关应当 告知违反治安管理行为人处罚的 事实、理由及依据 B.违反治安管理行为人有权陈述和 申辩 C.公安机关必须听取违反治安管理行为人的意见 D.违反治安管理行为人提出陈述、 申辩的,公安机关可以加重处罚 [单选题](易)用户应当安装用电计量装置。用户使用的电力电量,以( )为准。
A.用电计量装置的记录 B.用户购买的用电计量装置的记录 C.计量检定机构依法认可的用电计量装置的记录 D. 都不对 [单项选择]流感病毒引起新的大流行的原因是()
A. 毒力变异 B. 脂蛋白变异 C. 包膜上表面蛋白变异 D. 核蛋白抗原变异 E. 感染途径发生变异 [填空题]He is always kind ,never cruel either _____people _____to animals.
[单选题]晶体三极管是( )器件。
A.电流控制电压 B.电流控制电流 C.电压控制电压 D.电压控制电流 [单项选择]寒邪致病,症见肢体屈伸不利,是由于
A. 寒为阴邪,易伤阳气 B. 寒客肌表,卫阳被遏 C. 寒性凝滞,痹阻经脉 D. 寒性收引,筋脉孪急 E. 寒邪入里,直中三阴 [单选题]作业人员下道避车应遵守邻线(线间距小于6.5m)来车下道规定:
A.60、100 B.0、60 C.60、120 D.140、160 [单选题]消防救援队伍承担核生化事故(件)( )处置任务,并主动做好与其他救援力量的协同配合。
A.初期 B.独立 C.主力 D.事故(件)定性 [单选题]BF005液压闸板防喷器一般在( )内即能关井或开井。
A.1~2 B.15~20 C.3~8 D.10~15 [判断题] "348 施工时,管道井、烟道必须采取有效防护措施。( )"
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交