Eight times within the past million
years, something in the Earth’s climatic equation has changed, allowing snow in
the mountains and the northern latitudes to accumulate from one season to the
next instead of melting away. Each time, the enormous ice sheets resulting from
this continual buildup lasted tens of thousands of years until the end of each
particular glacial cycle brought a warmer climate. Scientists speculated that
these glacial cycles were ultimately driven by astronomical factor: slow, cyclic
changes in the eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit and in the tilt and orientation
of its spin axis. But up until around 30 years ag A. Many a phenomenon might be caused by astronomical factors. B. Any hypothesis should be abandoned unless supported by solid records. C. Glaciers are the records keeping Earth’s astronomical cycles. D. Oxygen isotopes are evenly distributed throughout the earth surface. [单选题]*引起( )变化的各种因素称为扰动。
A.调节对象; B.调节系统; C.被调量; D.调节设备 [单选题]患者,女,53岁。腹中可扪及积块,软而不坚,固着不移,胀痛并见,舌苔薄,脉弦。其证侯是
A.肝气郁滞 B.瘀血内结 C.气滞血阻 D.气滞痰阻 E.气虚血瘀 [单选题]下列不属于车钩主要润滑的部位是()。
A.卡环部分润滑 B.头车钩头部位润滑 C.对中装置的润滑 D.牵引杆的润滑 [单项选择]路由器如何将当前运行的配置参数保存?()
A. write star B. copy run star C. write run D. copy vlan flash [单项选择]GB/T19001-2016标准可与其他管理体系()。
A. 包容 B. 相容 C. 不能相容 D. 既能包容也能相容 [单选题]某患者,血钾监测6.5mmol/L,提示患者为
A.低钾血症 B.血钾正常 C.高钾血症 D.低钙血症 E.低钠血症 [判断题]假整合(平行不整合)接触是新老两套地层彼此不平行,有一定的交角其间有明显的风化剥蚀面。
A.19kV B.24.5kV C.25kV D.27.6kV [多项选择]对神经症与器质性疾病关系的描述正确的是( )。
A. 在生理检查阴性时可以成为神经症诊断的充分依据 B. 若神经症症状典型且持久时应该考虑神经症的诊断 C. 神经症症状典型且存在某生理疾病时应下两个诊断 D. 神经症与躯体疾病同时下诊断在治疗上对病人有益 [单项选择]按牵引电器接入的电路分为()电器。
A. 工作和保护 B. 有触点和无触点 C. 主电路、辅助电路和控制电路 D. 主要和辅助 [多选题]各种机械的传动旋转裸露部位应有()装置,使用中严禁擅自拆除。机械易于触电部位应安装()装置。冲床和木工锯刨机床应装设人体误侵入的()装置。
A.安全防护 B.防火 C.防触电保护 D.自动停车 [单项选择]What does the man propose to do first
A. The way to the college. B. The way to King’s Road. C. The name of the college. D. The address of the college. [单选题]股道有效长是指股道能够停留列车或车辆的沿线路中心线的()。
A.最大长度 B.最短长度 C.最大间隔 D.最短间隔 [判断题]加深粗实线时应选用铅芯较硬的绘图铅笔。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交