When an organism is completely encapsulated and preserved, it becomes a fossil, therefore turning into evidence of things that once lived.()
So far, inflation is roaring in only a
few sectors of the economy. While platinum has soared 121 percent, soybeans have
risen 115 percent, and an index of Real Estate Investment Trusts has climbed 42
percent since May 2001, the consumer price index (CPI) has gone up only 4.2
percent during the same period. The challenge is figuring out what happens
next. Astute investors are asking two questions: 1) Will the dollar continue to decline 2) Which assets will continue to inflate The value of the dollar matters because much of what Americans buy comes from abroad. And in the past two years, the dollar has been slipping badly: down some 25 percent against a basket of foreign currencies, including the euro and the yen. That makes imported goods more expensive. If the dollar falls further, the rise in A. the US economy is very dependent upon ever-increasing amounts of debt B. the amount of borrowing today in the US for automobiles and housing is getting bigger and bigger C. one of the main reasons for the depreciation of dollar is the ever increasing amounts of US domestic debts D. the US federal government is creating credit because the people have already showed unwillingness to be indebted [单项选择]女性更年期综合征是由下列哪项功能减退所引起的
A. 下丘脑 B. 垂体 C. 卵巢 D. 下丘脑—垂体—卵巢轴 E. 大脑皮层 [单项选择]患者发热,口苦,饮食无味,纳呆或有恶心,泛泛欲吐,关节肿痛以下肢为重,全身困乏无力,下肢沉重酸胀,浮肿或有关节积液,舌苔黄腻,脉滑数。其中医证型是()
A. 湿热痹阻证 B. 寒热错杂证 C. 阴虚内热证 D. 脾胃虚弱证 E. 肝肾不足证 [单选题] 变压器本体吸湿器硅胶受潮达到( )时, 应及时进行更换,受潮达1/2时,应报重要缺陷。
A. 全部 B. .8 C. .75 D. .666666666666667 [多选题]车站值班员在办理闭塞时,应确认( )。接车前,必须亲自或通过有关人员确认接车线路空闲、影响进路的调车作业已经停止后,方可准备进路、开放进站信号机,准备接车;发车前,必须亲自或通过有关人员确认影响进路的( )已经停止后,方可准备进路、开放出站信号机,交付( ),在旅客上下、行包装卸和列检作业等完了后发车。
A.区间空闲 B.行车凭证 C.调车作业 D.进路空闲 [单项选择]下面哪一项乳腺病变或结构不伴有后方回声增强()
A. 囊肿 B. 脂肪小叶 C. 扩张的导管 D. 纤维腺瘤 E. 脓肿 [单项选择]客户自逾期之日起超过()催交仍未交付电费的,供电企业可以按照国家规定的程序停止供电。
A. 10天 B. 15天 C. 20天 D. 30天 [单选题]货车车体上的标记技术参数与公布的技术参数不一致时,应以()为准。
A.运输局公布的技术参数 B.《加规》附录的技术参数 C.生产厂家公布的技术参数 D.车体上的标记技术参数 [简答题]抵当汤证脉象为 或 ,反映了 的病机。
[单项选择]晚会帷幕徐徐拉开,女主持人姿态优美地步出舞台,不小心跃倒在地,观众哗然。此时女主持人从容地站起,神态自若地说了一句,场内立刻掌声四起。上述场合中女主持人所说的一句话应该是( )。
A. 对不起,我太紧张了,请不要见笑 B. 刚才,我是被大家的热情倾倒了 C. 对不起,我太激动了,失礼了 D. 不好意思,刚才我跃倒了,幸亏没有扭脚 [单项选择]骨折特有的体征不包括()
A. 畸形 B. 疼痛 C. 骨擦音 D. 反常活动 E. 骨擦感 我来回答: 提交