Dollars and cents are the basic units
of American money. The back of all dollar bills are green (hence "greenbacks").
The commonly used coins are: one cent(penny), five cents(nickel), l0 cents (
dime), and 25 cents (quarter). 50 pieces ( half dollar) and silver dollars ( not
really silver anymore) are gaining in usage, while there has been talk of
phasing out the penny--that’s inflation for you. "Always early plenty of
quarters when travelling. Very useful for phones, soda machines, laundry
machines, etc." There is generally no problem in using U. S. dollars in Canada,
but this is never possible in reverse. It’s useful always to carry small change for things like exact fare buses, but do not carry large sums of cash. Instead keep the bulk of your money in travellers’ cheques which Can be purchased both in the US and abroad an A. They can act as small change for the exact bus fares. B. There is generally no problem in using them in Canada. C. As a basic unit of money, they are gradually gaining in usage. D. They may come in handy for pay phones or laundry machines. [多项选择]外观检查常用的检查方法()。
A. 肉眼观摩; B. 低倍放大镜检验; C. 焊口检测尺检验; D. 射线探伤检查; E. 超声波探伤检查。 [简答题]举例说出5种以上包装策略。
[单选题]食堂实行( )管理,食堂操作间、主料、配料存放间、厨房加工间等场所均安装视频监控系统。
A.公开式 B.开放式 C.明厨亮灶 D.敞开式 E.明亮式 [单选题]根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》,作业人员进入新的岗位或者新的施工现场前,应当接受()。
A.质量教育 B.安全生产教育培训 C.生产教育培训 D.机械操作规程培训 [多选题]根据民事诉讼法的规定,发现已经发生法律效力的判决裁定或者调解书确有错误,依法有权决定再审的法院是:
A.作出生效法律文书的法院 B.上级人民法院 C.最高人民法院 D.同级人民法院 [简答题]水资源的宏观调配由哪些部门负责?
[判断题]按传输波长不同,光纤可分为短波长光纤、长波长光纤和超长波长光纤。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对烟叶复烤加工企业生产经营日常监管的重点是()。
A. 烟叶调拨合同 B. 烟叶产成品出库监管 C. 副产品及废弃烟草专卖品处置 D. 成片片烟销售监管 [单选题]PMSG是指( )
(单选题) A. 促黄体素 B. 促卵泡素 C. 前列腺素 D. 孕马血清促性腺激素 [单选题]焊补铸铁时,( )不是为了防止裂纹而采用的措施。
A.焊前预热,焊后缓冷 B.增加阻碍石墨化元素 C.加热减应区 D.栽丝法 [判断题]安全桩的埋深一般不小于0.75m,土质山坡不小于1.0m,必要时适当加深。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]舌神经
A.社区对旅游发展的态度 B.当地经济发展状况 C.政府对旅游发展的态度和制定相应的政策 D.当地的政治氛围和社会稳定状况 我来回答: 提交