(79){{U}}Most people have heard of Shakespeare and
probably know something of the plays that he wrote. {{/U}}However, not everybody
knows much about the life of this remarkable man, except perhaps that he was
born in the market town of Stratford- upon - Avon and that he married a woman
called Anne Hathaway. We know nothing of his school life. We do not know, for
example, how long it lasted, but we presume that he attended the local grammar
school, where the principal subject taught was Latin. Nothing certain is known of what he did between the time he left school and his departure for London. According to a local legend, he was beaten and even put in prison for stealing rabbits and deer from the estate of a neighboring landowner, Sir Thomas Lucy. It is said that because of this he was forced to run away from his native place. A. Because he didn’t want to go to school. B. Because he left for London to become famous. C. Because he had stolen deer and was beaten. D. No one knows for certain. [多项选择]抑郁治疗重点应放在()
A. 帮助患者迅速得到鼓励的因素 B. 应对患者过去从事的、在住院条件下易于做到的活动进行分析 C. 努力向患者早日提供与治疗有关的操作任务 D. 诱发患者对强化刺激的反应 E. 追求新的康复目标 [单项选择]先天性白内障引起的弱视属于( )
A. 斜视性弱视 B. 屈光参差性弱视 C. 屈光不正性弱视 D. 形觉剥夺性弱视 E. 先天性弱视 [多选题]关于行政处罚的实施,下列说法正确的有
A.A国家在城市管理、市场监管、生态环境、文化市场、交通运输、应急管理、农业等领域推行建立综合行政执法制度,相对集中行政处罚权 B.B国务院和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府可以决定一个行政机关行使有关行政机关的行政处罚权 C.C行政机关依照法律、法规、规章的规定,可以在其法定权限内书面委托符合法定条件的组织实施行政处罚 D.D委托行政机关对受委托组织实施行政处罚的行为应当负责监督,并对该行为的后果承担法律责任 [多项选择]下列作家属于晚明小品文作家的有()
A. 陈继儒 B. 袁宏道 C. 张岱 D. 唐顺之 [单项选择]女性,38岁。1年来面色苍白伴倦怠、耳鸣就诊。化验:RBC2.5×1012/L,Hb55g/L,MCV75fl(75um3),MCH22pg,MCHC0.29(29%),红细胞中央淡染区扩大,网织红细胞0.02(2%),拟诊缺铁性贫血。在问诊时哪项与本病发病无关()
A. 有无中上腹疼痛及黑便史 B. 有无月经过多史 C. 家族中有无同样疾病史 D. 有无易兴奋、易激动、烦躁等症状 E. 有无嗜食泥土、煤屑、生米等异食癖 [单选题]《国务院办公厅关于严格执行公共建筑空调温度控制标准的通知》规定,所有公共建筑内的单位,除医院等特殊单位以及在生产工艺上对温度有特定要求并经批准的用户之外,冬季室内空调温度设置不得高于( )。
A.14℃ B.16℃ C.18℃ D.20℃ [单项选择]梅毒性主动脉炎时的病变应为()
A. 病变主要累及腹主动脉 B. 内膜表面粥样斑块 C. 常形成夹层动脉瘤 D. 主动脉瓣膜正常 E. 左心室肥大和扩张 [单选题]中心型肺癌 X 线不易发现的征象是
A.肺不张 B.阻塞性肺炎 C.肺气肿 D.肺门肿块 E.支气管粘液嵌塞 [判断题]加强运行、检修人员的专业培训,严格执行操作票、工作票制度,并使两票制度标准化,管理规范化。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交