Methods of studying vary; what
works (21) for some students doesn’t work at all for
others. The only thing you can do is experiment (22) you
find a system that does work for you. But two things are sure: (23)
else can do your studying for you, and unless you do find a system
that works, you won’t although college. Meantime, there are a few rules that
(24) for everybody. The hint is "don’t get (25)
". The problem of studying, (26) enough to start with, (27) the fastest readers have trouble to do that. And if you axe behind in written work that must be (28) , the teacher who accepts it (2 A. follow B. go C. operate D. work [单选题]挂车超过( )辆时,在记事栏注明所挂最后部车辆的车号(不能掌握车号时除外);挂走线路内全部车辆时,挂车栏内填记车数,记事栏填“全”。
A.1 B.3 C.5 D.10 [多选题]()是党中央关于新时代公安工作的职责定位。
A.维护国家政治安全 B.确保社会大局稳定 C.促进社会公平正义 D.保障人民安居乐业 [单项选择]适合于原型法的应用系统可考虑的因素很多,联机事务处理系统适合于原型化,是基于下列哪种考虑
A. 逻辑结构 B. 系统结构 C. 应用约束 D. 用户特征 [填空题]2英寸( )=( )mm
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]助农履约保证保险贷款是青岛农商银行向符合条件的借款人发放的由保险机构提供履约保证保险为担保的人民币贷款。该贷款保险保障、无抵押、免担保、利率低、保费灵活可退。 截至2018年末,青岛农商银行发放助农履约保证保险贷款1.1亿元。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]综合维修车间、工区实行“( )、( )、( )”制度。
A. 可称之为无效判决 B. 可称之为除权判决 C. 是可以再审的判决 D. 利害关系人可以在判决公告之日起1年内起诉 [多项选择]反映我国年度粮食总供给的数据有()。
A. 粮食库存量 B. 年度粮食产量 C. 粮食销售量 D. 粮食净进口量 [多选题]《中国石化安全风险评估指导意见》规定:Bow-tie这种方法将()、减缓性措施和后果之间的关联以领结的形状图形化展示出来。
A.危险源 B.有害因素 C.预防性控制措施 D.顶上事件 [填空题]“落地为兄弟,()。”(陶渊明《杂诗》)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]上山独头煤巷火灾不管发生在什么地点,如果局部通风机已经停止运转,在无需救人时,严禁进入灭火或侦察。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )386.作业中,当桩锤冲击能量达到最大能量时,其最后10锤的贯入值不得小于()。
A.10mm B.7mm C.5mm D.3mm [单项选择]宫颈粘液开始出现羊齿植物叶状结晶,相当于月经周期的:
A. 6~7天 B. 9~10天 C. 12~13天 D. 15~16天 E. 18~19天 [单项选择]以下关于项目干系人方面的描述中,错误的是______。
A. 项目干系人经常会有相互不同甚至是冲突的目标 B. 有时项目干系人的角色和职责可能会重叠 C. 相同名称的项目干系人在不同的项目中具有相同的职责和权限 D. 项目团队必须明确项目的干系人,确定并对其需求进行管理和施加影响 [单选题]电气化铁路相关作业人员至少( )进行安全考试,考试合格后,方准参加作业。
A.每年1次 B.每年2次 C.二年1次 D.半年1次 [单选题]经党中央批准,中管企业一般设立( ),中管金融企业
设立( )。 A.党组,党组 B.党组,党组性质党委 C.党组,党委 D.党委,党组 [简答题]试述肺动脉口狭窄的诊断。
[单选题]餐车餐具含氯消毒液是一池水、一袋药,配置成( )的消毒液。
A.250mg/L B.200mg/L C.150mg/L D.300mg/L [单项选择]在Visual FoxPro中,参照完整性规则不包括______。
A. 更新规则 B. 删除规则 C. 查询规则 D. 插入规则 [多选题]供电营业厅应向客户提供不少于二种可供选择的交纳电费方式。
A.电费 B.劳务费 C.充换电服务费 D.平台使用费 [单项选择]根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》,施工单位应当向作业人员提供安全防护用具和安全防护服装,并()危险岗位的操作规程和违章操作的危害。
A. 告知 B. 书面告知 C. 口头告知 D. 口头或书面告知 [单项选择]School authorities often refuse to face the problem of drug-abuse; government drug-abuse agencies have done too little to inform the public about it; many physicians still seem unaware of it when they examine teenagers. As a result, parents may still be the last to know that their children have fallen victim to the drug epidemic that has been raging for more than a decade among American’s youth. In a survey of a middle-income Cincinnati suburb, 38 percent of the sixth grade and 89 percent of the senior class said they used drug and alcohol; 48 percent of the parents thought their children used alcohol, but only 8 percent thought their children used drug.
Fortunately, there is a new force at work against this epidemic—a nationwide movement of more than 400 parent groups formed to expose and battle drug use among teenagers and preteens. The groups have different approaches and widely varying rates of success. Yet this parental crusade is the only major force in the country to have t A. to deal with the problem of teenage partying B. to help parents upset by the drug problems at parties C. to provide drug-and-alcohol-free parties D. to hold a party where children feel high [单项选择]下列哪项不符合心火旺()
A. 舌淡白无华 B. 面赤舌红 C. 舌尖深红起刺 D. 脉数 E. 心胸烦热 [判断题]所有者权益是指企业资产扣除负债后由所有者享有的剩余权益。
A. 三酰甘油 B. 必需脂肪酸 C. 卵磷脂 D. 饱和脂肪酸 E. 单不饱和脂肪酸 [单项选择]我国现存最早的一部完整的传注是()。
A. 《毛诗故训传》 B. 《毛诗笺》 C. 《尔雅》 D. 《韩诗外传》 [判断题]运行中的变压器如果冷却装置全部失去时,应紧急停运。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对于跨关区进出境的出口加工区货物,按转关运输中的( )办理转关。
A. 直转方式 B. 提前报关方式 C. 转运方式 D. 通运方式 [单项选择]如果水泵流量不变,管道截面减小了,则流速()。
A. 增加 B. 减小 C. 不变 D. 无关 [单选题]变电作业现场,与停电设备有关的变压器、()以及无功补偿装置等具有储能功能的设备,应将设备各侧断开,防止向停电检修设备反送电。
A.低压互感器 B.电流互感器 C.高压互感器 D.电压互感器 [单选题]走私烟草专卖品,数额不大,不构成走私罪的,由海关作出的处罚不包括( )。
A.没收走私的货物、物品 B.没收违法所得 C.警告 D.罚款 [填空题]The second most important constituent of the biosphere is
liquid water. This can only exist in a very narrow range of temperatures, since water freezes at 0℃ and boils at 100℃. This is only a tiny range compared with the low temperatures of some other planets and the hot interior of the earth, let the temperature of the sun. (1) As we know, life would only be possible on the face of a planet (2) had temperatures somewhere within this range. The earth’s supply (3) of water probably remains quite fairly constant in quantity. A certain (4) number of hydrogen atoms, which are one of the main constituents of water, are lost by escaping from the atmosphere to out space, (5) but they are probably just about replaced by new water rising away (6) from t 我来回答: 提交