数值 | 30 | 35 | 40 | 45 |
出现次数 | 8 | 3 | 4 | 7 |
该项目的施工承发包模式属于()。 William Faulkner of Oxford was not a
native of Oxford; nor was he born with the name Faulkner. He was born in Albany,
Mississippi, at the end of the 19th century, and the family spelled the name
Falkner. He published his first book when he was twenty-seven. In 1950, at the age of fifty-three, he was given the Nobel Prize for Literature (文学). After that he kept on writing and became more successful. He was generally regarded as the great American writer of his time when he died in 1962. Millions of people who read his works thought he had spent almost the whole life in Mississippi. Even the people of Oxford. Faulkner was a kind of legend (传奇) in his own lifetime. There was, for example, the mystery (不可思议的事物) of who pat the "u" in William’ s last name. For many years the commonly acc A. Oxford B. his birth place C. Mississippi D. Albany [单项选择]The law is great mass of rules, showing when and how far a man is (47) to be punished, or to be made to hand over money or property to his neighbors, and so (48) These rules are contained in books. A lawyer learns them in the main (49) reading books.
He begins by doing little else than read, and after he has prepared himself by, say, three years’’ study to practise, (50) , all his life long and almost every day, he will be looking into books to read a little more than he ,already knows about some new question which he has to answer.
The (51) to use books, then, is a talent which the would be lawyer ought to possess. He ought to have enough flexibility and fineness of menial fibre to make it easy for him to collect ideas from (52) words. He ought to have some (53) in finding what a book contains, and something of an instinct for where to look for what he wants.
But (54) this is the power of which he will first feel the need, it is not the most important. A l
A. 是利用腹腔镜和电视摄影机,将腹腔内情况显示在电视屏幕上,以专用的手术器械通过穿刺套管进行诊断和治疗的一门技术 B. 需在腹腔内注入二氧化碳,形成人工气腹为观察和操作提供空间 C. 腹腔镜已完全可取代传统的外科手术 D. 以开放手术为基础,以开放手术为后盾,与传统腹部外科相辅相成 E. 利用特制拉钩插入腹腔或钢丝穿入皮下,借助机械力把腹壁提起,称免气腹法 [单项选择]飞机上有几个污水的排放口()
A. 1个 B. 2个 C. 3个 D. 4个 [单选题]运行值班人员在室内进行巡回检查,如高压设备发生接地时,不得接近故障点( )米以内。( )
A.1 B.4 C.2 [单项选择]等电位连接分为()两种方法。
A. S型和M型 B. A型和B型 C. L型和C型 D. D型和P型 [单项选择]男性,38岁。患慢性肝炎6年,昨日大便呈柏油样,今晨呕咖啡色液体100ml,30分钟前呕鲜血约200ml,大汗淋漓,烦躁不安入院急诊。体检:血压9.3/6.6kPa(70/50mmHg),心率120次/min,腹软肝肋下未及,脾侧卧刚及,移动浊音(+),应首先采取下列哪项措施()。
A. 急诊胃镜检查 B. 查肝功能及凝血酶原时间 C. 补液、输血纠正血容量 D. 静脉滴注垂体后叶素 E. 剖腹探查并手术止血 [判断题]在电气设备全部或部分停电作业时,接地线一经拆除,设备即应视为有电,禁止再去接触或进行作业。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]11.谵妄是一组表现为急性广泛性的认知障碍,尤其以下面哪项为主要特征,疾病发展迅速,因此又称为急性脑综合征
A.记忆损害 B.注意缺陷 C.错觉或幻觉 D.情感障碍 E.意识障碍 [多选题]下列属于中止执行的情形有: ( )
A.当事人履行行政决定确有困难或者暂无履行能力的 B.执行可能造成难以弥补的损失,且中止执行不损害公共利益的 C.执行标的灭失的 D.据以执行的行政决定被撤销的 [单选题]3 5 2 1装置停工检修期间,吹扫设备的污水应排向( )系统。
A.假定净水系统 B.含油污水系统 C.含硫污水系统 D.以上都不对 [单项选择]下述急性化脓性中耳炎诊断要点中哪项是不正确的()
A. 鼓膜充血肿胀饱满 B. 感冒后突发耳堵耳痛剧烈 C. 鼓膜穿孔流脓后耳痛减轻 D. 听力检查为传导性聋 E. 乳突X线片检查有骨质破坏 [多选题]“放管服”指的( )的简称。
A.简政放权 B.加强监管 C.放管结合 D.优化服务 [单选题]C语言中,文件由( )。
A.记录组成 B.由数据行组成 C.由数据块组成 D.由字符(字节)序列组成 [判断题]冲泡不同类别的茶叶,使用不同的茶具,茶叶的投放量是没有差异的。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交