The planet’s wild creatures face a new threat -- from yuppies, empty nesters, singletons and one parent families. Biologists studying the pressure on the planet’s dwindling biodiversity today report on a new reason for alarm. Although the rate of growth in the human population is decreasing, the number of individual households is exploding. Even where populations have actually dwindled -- in some regions of New Zealand, for instance -- the number of individual households has increased, bemuse of divorce, career choice, smaller families and longer lifespans.
Jianguo Liu of Michigan State University and colleagues from Stanford University in California re- port in Nature, in a paper published online in advance, that a greater number of individual house-holds, each containing on average fewer people, meant more pressure on natural resources. Towns and cities began to sprawl as new homes were built. Each household needed fuel to heat and light it; each household r
A. tropical, zones.
B. places of scenic beauty.
C. areas with high population density.
D. regions rich in a variety of creatures.
T1 | T2 | T3 |
Begin-trans(T1 ) Read(A) A: =A+10 Begin-trans(T3) Read(C) C:=C * 2 | Begin-trans(T2) Read(B) B:=B-10 Wri [单选题]在柴油机自由端,由柴油机曲轴经传动轴直接带动( )。
A.启动变速箱 B.静液压变速箱 C.静液压泵 D.通风机 [简答题]示范条款如何解决了“高保低赔”问题?
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列应执行一般工商业及其他电价中的非工业电价的有(____)。
A.公共人防工程以外设施的通风、抽水用电 B.基建工地照明 C.公路信号灯 D.城市轨道交通列车用电 [单选题] 下列各项,属于二陈汤组成成分的是
A.陈皮、泽泻 B.橘红、茯苓 C.乌梅、远志 D.贝母、半夏 E.白术、甘草 [多选题]在扑救隧道火灾中,救助被困人员的主要途径有( )。
A.正常出入口 B.通风口 C.维修隧道 D.预备出入口 我来回答: 提交