In recent years, more and more
foreigners are involved in the teaching programs of the United States. Both the
advantages and the disadvantages of using foreign faculty{{U}} (26)
{{/U}}teaching positions have to be{{U}} (27) {{/U}}, of course. It
can be said that the foreign{{U}} (28) {{/U}}that makes the faculty
member from abroad an asset also{{U}} (29) {{/U}}problems of adjustment,
both for the university and for the{{U}} (30) {{/U}}The foreign research
scholar usually{{U}} (31) {{/U}}himself in the laboratory as means of
protection; however, what he needs is to be fitted{{U}} (32) {{/U}}a
highly organized university system quite different from{{U}} (33)
{{/U}}at home. He is faced in his daily work{{U}} (34)
{{/U}}differences in philosophy, arrangements of courses and methods of
teaching. Both the visiting professor and his s A. same B. unique C. peculiar D. common [单项选择]一般说来,以下最适合于产品线窄、产品标准化的国际性组织结构是( )
A. 全球性职能部结构 B. 全球性产品部结构 C. 全球性地区部结构 D. 混合结构 [不定项选择题]通过接触感染的是
A.猪带绦虫 B.蛲虫 C.黑热病原虫 D.阴道毛滴虫 E.血吸虫 [单选题]高空作业人员作业时必须将安全带系在安全可
A.高挂低 B.低挂高 C.高挂高 D.低挂低 [单项选择]与发行股票筹资相比,吸收直接投资的优点不包括( )。
A. 手续简便快捷,资金筹集的速度快,筹资成本低 B. 每个投资者的持股比例相对较大.有可能分散企业控制权 C. 可以直接获得投资者的先进设备和先进技术,尽快形成生产能力和生产规模,尽快占领市场 D. 支付投资报酬的方式灵活,分红压力小 [多选题]经济规律具有客观性的原因有( )。
A.人们不得利用、改造经济规律 B.任何经济规律都是不以人的主观意志为转移的 C.人们从事经济活动必须尊重经济规律。并按经济规律的要求办事 D.人们在经济规律面前无能为力、任由经济规律摆布 E.任何经济规律都是在一定的客观经济条件的基础上产生,并随着客观经济条件的变化而变化 [判断题]相关单位在监控设备上开展工作时,应通知相应调控机构自动化运行值班人员做好安全措施,同时采取有效措施防止错误变位信息上送调度主站。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在易燃易爆气体泄漏事故中,要查明气体的种类,迅速设置警戒区域,防止着火源进入燃烧爆炸区域进入内部侦察时,必须做好全封闭的安全防护
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]与网膜孔围成的有关韧带( )
A.肝十二指肠韧带 B.胃脾韧带 C.胃结肠韧带 D.冠状韧带 E.肝胃韧带 我来回答: 提交