Seven Secrets of Naturally Thin People{{/B}} You hate them. You know the type… the ones who never bat an eye when it comes time to order lunch or dinner. Ask them their weight and they probably can’t even tell you—they don’t know it. Question them about calorie count and you’re likely to be answered with a blank stare. They are the men and women who don’t give weight watching a second thought. And that’s the very reason they’re at a happy, healthy weight. They are naturally thin people—the enemy to anyone who’s ever battled extra pound. But please don’t hate them. You too can be one of them, says Dr. Doris Mccubbrey, author of How Much Does Your Soul Weight: Diet-Free Solutions to Your Food, Weight and Body Worries. The weight issues specialist and licensed professional counselor has spent the last 15 A. make a shopping trip B. substitute another similar food C. give it up rationally D. try to search for it in the Internet [单选题]无缝线路上两长轨条之间的连接轨为。( )
A.伸缩区 B.爬行区 C.缓冲区 D.固定区 [单选题]《安全生产法》规定的行政处罚,由()的部门决定。
A.安全生产监督管理部门和其他负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门按照职责分工 B.当地人民政府 C.当地法院 [判断题]无人指挥或指挥信号不明时起重机司机应立即起吊。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]导线测量时相邻边长比例不能小于 1/3。该表述( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下哪种铁塔适用于城市郊区、县城、乡镇、田野、丘陵、山区等对景观要求低,易于征地的区域。( )
A.四管塔 B.单管塔 C.地面支撑杆 D.拉线塔 [单项选择]The writer spent a lot of money on stamp-collecting.
A.比例再保险 B.非比例再保险 C.临时再保险 D.超赔再保险 [单选题]离心泵启动前出口阀应关闭,其目的是( )。
A.防止液体倒流 B.防止启动后流体对调节阀的冲击 C.防止泵启动时因电机电流过高而烧坏电机 D.保护泵 [单项选择]2010年,各地都出现不同程度的血荒,为了号召大家积极献血,某血站在报纸上刊登了一篇文章,讲述献血对大家的好处及血液对于很多病人的重要性。这时医务人员首先应该采取的措施是()。
A. 递给他一杯水 B. 跟他谈话,分散注意力 C. 到空气流通的地方 D. 停止采血 E. 让他躺下 [多选题]施工机具应定期进行( )。
A.试用 B.保养 C.维护 D.修理 [判断题]依据《江苏省国有资金投资工程建设项目招标投标管理办法》,在评标过程中,评标委员会成员针对同一问题意见不一致的,按照少数服从多数的原则形成评标结论。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]