After flexing its mechanical arm and
finding some puzzling chemistry in a patch of Martian soil,the robotic rover
Spirit began investigating the composition of a rock named Adirondack yesterday
with two science instruments and a microscopic camera. Following programmed instructions from flight controllers, the six-wheel rover made several short turns and moved forward about six feet. It stopped within inches of the pyramid-shaped rock, about the size of a football. It was the vehicle’s second maneuver on the Martian surface since landing there on Jan. 3. Scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., said they did not expect results of the first rock examination until early today. But they were already both pleased and puzzled over the soil test results. "We’re starting to put together a picture of A. a kind of volcanic soil containing lava and mineral rock B. a kind of volcanic rock with its main content of lava and magnesium C. a kind of rock mainly consisting of oxygen, iron and magnesium D. a kind of oxygen with iron and magnesium [单项选择]下列关于产业投资结构描述有误的一项是( )。
A. 通常来说,在经济发展水平较高时,第一产业投资所占的比重较大 B. 当工业化基本实现后,第三产业发展较快,第三产业投资所占的比重也将不断提高 C. 当前产业结构的形成主要是由过去产业投资结构决定的,现在的产业投资结构又在很大程度上决定着未来的产业结构 D. 调整投资在三次产业和各行业间的分布,是促进国民经济结构调整和优化升级的主要手段,是加强投资宏观管理的重要内容 [多选题]下列哪些情况需进行简略试验?()
A.货车列检对始发列车、中转作业列车连挂机车后; B.客列检作业后和旅客列车始发前 C.更换机车或更换机车乘务组时 D.无列检作业的始发列车发车前 [名词解释]设计充满度
[单选题] 防止油菜早花可采取( )种措施。
A.3 B.2 C.1 D.5 [多项选择]权责发生制的内容是( )。
A. 凡是本期实现的收入,无论款项是否收到,均作为本期收入处理 B. 凡是本期发生的费用,无论款项是否支付,均作为本期费用处理 C. 凡不属于本期的收入和费用,即使款项已经收到或支付,也不作为本期收入和费用处理 D. 凡是本期收到的款项或本期支付的费用,均作为本期收入和费用处理 [多选题]运用中的电气设备,系指()的电气设备。
A.全部带有电压 B.一部分带有电压 C.一经操作即带有电压 D.检修中 [判断题]蓝牙key手机银行客户通过手机银行购买理财需要用蓝牙key验证。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]人机分工TFDS动态检查范围和质量标准:交叉支撑装置盖板及交叉杆体无折断、( ),扣板螺栓、铆钉无丢失,安全索无丢失,交叉杆端部螺栓无丢失。
A.明显变形 B.弯曲 C.下垂 D.裂损 [填空题]抢修人员应按照(____),优先处理紧急故障,如实向上级部门汇报抢修进展情况,直至故障处理完毕。
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