American Sports The United States is a sports-loving nation. Sports in America take a variety of forms: organized competitive struggles, which draw huge crowds to cheer their favorite team to victory; athletic games, played for recreation anywhere sufficient space is found; and hunting and fishing. Most sports are seasonal, so that what is happening in sports depends upon the time of year. Some sports are called spectator sports, as the number of spectators greatly exceeds the number playing in the game. Baseball is the most popular sport in the US. It is played throughout the spring and summer, and professional baseball teams play well into the fall. Although no other game is exactly like baseball, perhap [单项选择]以下提示心肌缺血的心电图改变是()。
A. V5导联R波增高 B. T波和u波融合 C. T波振幅<1/4R D. V4~V6导联ST段水平型或下斜型下移≥0.1mV E. 心电轴明显左偏 [多项选择]十八大报告指出:优化国土空间开发格局,要按照人口资源环境相均衡、经济社会生态效益相统一的原则,控制开发强度,调整空间结构,促进生产空间集约高效、生活空间适度宜居、生态空间山清水秀,给自然留下更多修复空间,给农业留下更多良田,给子孙后代留下()的美好家园。
A. 天蓝 B. 地绿 C. 水净 D. 人和 [单项选择]多室脂质体的球径为
A. ≥5nm B. ≤5nm C. ≥5pm D. ≤5pm E. 以上答案都不正确 [单选题]采用保护接地后,人体触及带电外壳时,人体电阻与接地装置的接地电阻是( )的。
A.并联 B.串联 C.不确定 D.既并联又串联 [填空题]支链氨基酸(BCAA)属____范围,包括:亮氨酸、________和________三种,有利于治疗________。
A. 签名 B. 盖章 C. 签名或盖章 D. 签名并盖章 [单选题]10kV、20kV、35kV户外(内)配电装置的裸露部分在跨越人行过道或作业区时,若导电部分对地高度分别小于2.7 m(2.5 m)、2.8 m(2.5 m)、2.9 m(2.6 m),该裸露部分两侧和底部应装设护网。
A.A.正确 B.B.错误 [单选题]患者,女性,34岁,因腹痛待查被收入院,医生问诊患者后开医嘱。请问下列不属于医嘱内容的是( )
A.给药途径 B.护理级别 C.隔离种类 D.药物剂量 E.测生命体征的方法 [单项选择]安宫牛黄丸的主治证是()
A. 邪热内陷心包 B. 热闭心包 C. 寒闭证 D. 痰热扰心证 E. 热盛动风证 [不定项选择题]男,72岁。1年来阵发性腹痛,自觉有“气块”在腹中窜动,大便次数增加,近3个月腹胀、便秘,近3天无肛门排气、排便,呕吐物有粪便臭味,伴乏力、低热。
引起该患者梗阻的病因最可能的是( )。
A.粪块 B.肿瘤 C.炎性狭窄 D.肠系膜血栓 E.粘连带 [单选题]636 电容器在用万用表检查时指针摆动后应该()。
A. 保持不动 B. 逐渐回摆 C. 来回摆动 我来回答: 提交