History instructs us to be aware of our
circumstances and accept our circumstances no matter how difficult. History
offers us an awareness of the present through an understanding of the past. It
is a guidepost to the future, uncovering the facts behind our existence while
providing us with an understanding of the present. My father owns a photograph of a very old woman, her face deeply wrinkled yet containing all the wisdom of the ages. "Grandpa’s aunt", he explained to me one day. The photograph once hung in the Seward Park Library, on New York’s Lower East Side, where my grandfather’s aunt lived, and w A. Because she once worked for several years in the Library. B. Because she did help her colleagues in the Library to escape from Nazis. C. Because she made a right decision and successfully escaped from Nazis. D. Because she was Jewish and smart and should be remembered by history. [单选题]EV-DO是( )的增强型技术。
A.A-1X B.B-2X C.C-3X D.D-4X [单选题].在以下哪一种情况下,学员很快就会显得情绪淡漠
A.需要达到的目标很难,但有可能达到 B.理解了他们正在为之努力的目标后 C.意识到教员未作充分准备 [单选题]作业开展前( )天,施工项目部将三级及以上风险作业计划报业主、监理项目部及本单位;业主、监理项目部收到作业计划后分别报上级主管单位。
A.一 B.三 C.五 D.七 [单项选择]The author mentions that English literature "was not part of any academic curriculum" in the early 19th century in order to______.
[简答题] 搅拌机应搭设能防风、________、防晒、防砸的防护棚,在出料口设置安全限位挡墙,操作平台设置应便于搅拌机手操作。 (1.0分)
[多项选择]下列关于法律关系的说法中,正确的有( )
A. 法律关系的主体主要包括自然人、法人和其他组织、国家。其中,自然人具有权利能力和行为能力;社会组织只具有权利能力,而不具有行为能力 B. 设计图纸、公民肖像和科学发明均可以成为法律关系客体 C. 10周岁以下的未成年人是无民事行为能力人 D. 法律规范所规定的,能够引起法律关系产生、变更和消灭的客观现象称为法律事实 我来回答: 提交