Margaret Mee: English Explorer and Painter of Amazon
Flora Born in Chesham, England, in May 1909 Studied at St Martins School of Art and later at the Camber well School of Art. Went to Brazil with her husband Greville, a commercial artist, in 1952. Made her first expedition to the Amazon in 1956 at the age of 47. Made 15 further expeditions to the Amazon. The last expedition took place in May 1988. She never painted or drew from photographs. She painted what she saw. She published two books of her paintings in 1968 and 1980. She achieved an ambition of 36 years to paint the night-flowing Amazon Moonflower only in 1988. her diaries, in Search of the flowers of the Amazon Forest, were published in 1988. A botanist who knew her well described her as follows: "Many people have traveled Amazonian waters, many A. 47. B. 79 C. 36. D. 68. [单选题]《道路交通标志和标线》是()标准。
A.国家 B.国际 C.行业 [判断题]《规程》规定:‘“一般地区的线路,绝缘子串或瓷横担绝缘子的单位工作电
压(额定线电压)泄漏距离不应小于1.6cm/kV。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]后置刀架的数控车床,采用外圆右偏刀,当刀具沿工件直径向外进给一个脉冲后,用逐点比较法进行圆弧插补运算,计算偏差值为 Sij<0,接下来刀具沿 Z 轴负方向进给一个脉冲,所加工的圆弧为( )。
A.顺时针凸弧 B.逆时针凸弧 C.顺时针凹弧 D.逆时针凹弧 [判断题]由于站址编码一旦生成,就不再变更,所以如果用户在维护站址信息的时候变更了区域信息,该站址对应的管理区域代码可能会和实际的区域编码不一致。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]软骨鱼类调节
[单选题]门禁系统出现( )情况时会产生撬开告警。
A.门未关好 B.磁力锁无电 C.机柜门未关好 D.就地箱门未关好 [简答题]马略军事改革
[多选题]云计算技术主要有( )这几个主要特点。
A.技术能力聚集度高 B.数据处理效率高 C.数据处理效率低 D.数据处理成本低 [判断题]( )在大多数的管理情况中,真正的杠杆解在于了解细节性复杂,而非动态性复杂。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]消防救援站在灭火救援行动和训练结束后,应及时进行安全讲评。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交