Cigarettes are good for your throat,
according to advertisements from half a century ago. Today such claims are
unthinkable, as smokers face despiteful stares of contempt whenever they light
up. Die-hards (顽固派) apart, society now accepts the huge damage to health caused
by smoking, both to smokers themselves and to others through passive smoking - a
change in attitudes with huge benefits for public health. Now the World Health Organization is launching the first global war against alcohol abuse. Can it replicate (重复) the success of the anti-smoking campaign Some of the ways to curb excessive alcohol consumption are similar to those used against cigarettes, such as increasing taxes and reducing availability. And as with cigarettes, there may also be scope for making drinking less glamorous through clampdowns on mar A. Cracking down the alcohol market. B. Taxing alcohol at a higher rate. C. Banning the manufacture of hard liquor. D. Forbidding advertisements on alcohol. [单项选择]以下()不是影室中常用的的灯具。
A. 普通照相白炽灯、碘钨灯 B. 影室闪光灯、小型电子闪光灯 C. 石英灯具 D. 水银灯 [单项选择]现代网球技术以争取速度为主,后引拍幅度的大小应()。
A. 越大越好 B. 越小越好 C. 根据击球需要灵活掌握 [单选题]根据直属海事系统业务培训系列教材《设备运行监控》,DSC的VHF值守频段是 ( ) 。
A. VHF Ch75 B. VHF Ch70 C. VHF Ch13 D. VHF Ch33 [单选题](7771)轨道车在Ⅰ端操纵行驶时,为保证发动机正常工作,打开前(),关闭两侧倒车风斗。(1.0分)
A.挡风门 B.倒车风斗 C.天窗 D.车门 [单选题]维修人员根据不同构型ELT,在ELT变更信息表填写正确的15位ELT编码、上下ELT件号、序号以及新安装的ELT电池的到寿信息交至哪个部门?
A.生产技术部 B.飞机部 C.工程部 D.维修管理部 [多选题]根据《电力安全工作规程水电厂动力部分》(Q/GDW1799.3—2015),安放在露天的气瓶,应用()或()的板棚遮护,以免受到阳光暴晒。
A.塑料布 B.帐篷 C.轻便 D.笨重 [单项选择]
男,10岁,发热一周,并有咽喉痛,最近两天皮肤有皮疹。体检:颈部及腹股沟浅表淋巴结肿大,肝肋下1cm,脾肋下1cm。入院时血常规结果为:血红蛋白122g/L:白细胞115×10/L,白细胞分类:中性成熟粒细胞20%、淋巴细胞75%、嗜酸性粒细胞1%、单核细胞4%,原始细胞未见,血小板数189×10/L 血涂片检查中,可见何种细胞增多A. 异型淋巴细胞 B. 淋巴瘤细胞 C. 异常组织细胞 D. 原始及幼稚淋巴细胞 E. 涂抹细胞 [多选题]输电线路属于耗能参数的是(____)。
A.电阻 B.电抗 C.电纳 D.电导 [简答题]根部病害危害特点有哪些?
[多项选择]采用债务法核算所得税的情况下,使当期所得税费用减少的因素有( )。
A. 本期应交的所得税 B. 本期转回的暂时性差异所产生的递延所得税负债借方发生额 C. 本期转回的暂时性差异所产生的递延所得税资产贷方发生额 D. 本期转回的暂时性差异所产生的递延所得税资产借方发生额 [单选题]按手术期限,下列属于限期手术的是
A.A:慢性阑尾炎切除术 B.B:直肠癌根治术 C.C:完全性肠梗阻造瘘术 D.D:可复性股疝修补术 E.E:急性上消化道穿孔修补术 [单项选择]颈动脉鞘不包括()
A. 颈总动脉 B. 颈内静脉 C. 颈内动脉 D. 副神经 E. 迷走神经 [单项选择]Today, the world wide web can be used both to search information and to make it (31) to others. Information (32) on webpages is viewed by (33) of browser. The sources of information linked in this way can be located on any computer (34) is also part of the web. Each information source may be linked to an (35) number of other webpages. Hypertext and hyper- links allow users (36) as receivers of in- formation to (37) from one source of in- formation to another, deciding for themselves which information they wish to (38) .to their browser and which links they want to (39) The addresses of (40) can be found by using the hundreds of search engines Which provide (41) to databases which hold information on them. Once a webpage has been found, hyperlinks may point (42) other places of interest on the web. Addresses of webpages also appear in other more (43) media, such as magazines, newspapers and telev
A. what B. that C. which D. how [单选题]BH007下列关于活塞式蓄能器的说法不正确的是()
A.其活塞的上腔中充有高压气体,下腔与液压系统的管路相通,进入压力油 B.结构简单,容量较小,反应不灵敏 C.油气隔离,油液不易氧化,也防止气体进入油回路 D.工作可靠,安装容易,维护方便,寿命长 [单选题]仓储是物流的主要功能要素之一,是企业加快资金周转,节约流通费用,减低物流成本和提高经济效益的有效途径,仓储作用下列说法不正确的是
A.仓储不具有产品的价值和价值增长作用 B.仓储也是逆向物流的场所 C.仓储是市场信息的传感器 D.仓储是调节供需矛盾的手段 [单项选择]()可以提高总回收率。
A. 增加操作步骤 B. 减少操作步骤 C. 缩短操作时间 D. 降低每一步的收率 [判断题]在图层调板上背景层是不能上下移动的,只能是最下面一层。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在导、地线上悬挂梯子、飞车进行等电位作业,挂梯载荷后,带电导线及人体对被跨越的电力线路、通信线路和其他建筑物的安全距离应比表5中的数值增大( )m。
A.0.8 B.0.9 C.1 D.1.2 [判断题]一个系统提供的系统调用越多,其功能就越丰富,能力也就越强。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交