A new era is upon us. Call it what you will: the service economy, the information age, the knowledge society. It is all translated to a fundamental change in the way we work. Already we’ve partly been there. The percentage of people who earn their living by making things has fallen dramatically in the Western World. Today the majority of jobs in America, Europe and Japan (two thirds or more in many or these countries) are in the service industry, and the number is on the rise. More women are in the work force than ever before. There are more part-time jobs. More people are self-employed. But the breadth of the economic transformation can’t be measured by numbers alone, because it is also giving rise to a radical new way of thinking about the nature of work itself. Long-held notions about jobs and careers, the skills needed to succeed, even the relation between individuals and employers—all these are being changed.
We have only to look behind us to get so
A. Computers and the Knowledge Society
B. Service Industries in Modern Society
C. Features and Implications of the New Era
D. Rapid Advancement of Information Technology
Last week 29 earnest American high
school students were invited to an evening of receiving good words, small talk,
warm toasts and fancy silverware. "Find out something about the person sitting next to you," advised former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. "Eventually, you’ll discover they always have something interesting to say. And you should always use the proper silverware in the proper order. " Albright was the guest of honor at the imitated Official Dinner, which was a lot like a real official dinner in Washington minus the soft money. The evening was sponsored by the St. Albans School of Public Services to introduce its first class to the fine art of social survival. More than 84 guests, including students, teachers, school donors and speakers, gathered to replicate the lifestyle of the rich A. there are significant differences between the Official Dinner and other dinner parties B. American students like to participate in public services very much C. being a secretary of state is the best, even better than being a president D. the students who were invited to the dinner party were enthusiastic about the program [单选题]当运行区段降大雪、暴雪时,有砟轨道区段限速( )km/h及以下。
A.160 B.200 C.250 D.120 [单项选择]患者骨显像前的准备中,可以不考虑的是 ()
A. 检查前24h内不做消化道造影 B. 注射显像剂后饮水500~1000ml C. 多次排尿,特别是显像前排尿 D. 注射显像剂后30~60min内,必须喝牛乳或吃油煎鸡蛋 E. 显像前摘除身上金属物品和(或)假乳房 [判断题]四显示自动闭塞区段连续式机车信号机显示一个红色灯光——表示列车已越过地面上显示红色灯光的信号机。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]皮肤或眼被保险粉污染应立即用流动清水清洗。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]A原是甲公司销售经理,2001年3月,A辞职开办B公司,甲公司一批机床存放在B公司的厂房内。2001年7月1日,A委托乙公司以乙公司名义销售这些机床,价格定为60万元人民币,并说明乙公司如同意,应在1个星期之内给予答复。乙公司因以前和A做过多次生意即表示同意。A将一份载有上述内容、由A自己签字、以甲公司为委托方的合同邮寄给乙公司。乙公司7月7日收到该合同文本签字盖章后,于7月15日寄给A。A于7月17日收到该合同文本后,于7月18日告知乙公司,该批机床由于保养不当可能有的零部件存在问题,同日将机床发送给乙公司。乙公司7月26日收到该批机床后,即与丙公司签订了价格为50万元人民币的买卖合同,并于7月30日将该批机床交付给丙公司。
1.A委托乙公司销售机床的行为属于何种性质 [单选题] 以下各条中不符合或不属于石油液化气安全使用要求的是( )
A.气瓶不能倒放或卧放 B.气瓶不能靠近电源、火源和热源等 C.气激与灶具相距不得少于 1 米 D.点火时,如果发现室内有跑漏气决不能点火,并立刻切断气源 [单选题]断路器机械特性测试仪在准备测试画面中,按( )键进入参数设置画面
A.〖合/分〗 B.〖打印〗 C.〖执行〗 D.〖设置〗 [多项选择]人体的末梢免疫器官有()。
A. 扁桃体 B. 淋巴结 C. 消化道集合淋巴小结 D. 阑尾 E. 肝脏 [单选题]"()物质对生物,尤其是对人体的效应,主要取决于接受辐射照射量的轻重程度。
A.腐蚀性 B.放射性 C.窒息性 D.以上都不是" [多选题]发电机组排气管的安装应满足( )
A.排烟管的暴露部分不应与木材或其他易燃性物质接触 B.烟管的承拓必须允许热膨胀的发生 C.烟管应安装防雨帽防止雨水进入 D.应尽可能减少弯头数量及缩短排气管的总长度 [单选题]紧急情况:工作钢丝绳突然卡在提升机内( )
A.更换电动机 B.应立即停机,并断开电源总开关,由专业维修人员来排除故障 C.应及时停止运行,使用转换开关调整悬吊平台水平状态为止 D.应及时停止运行,自己进行修理 我来回答: 提交