The Ice Age
Twenty thousand years ago, the earth was held in control by relentlessly (不宽容地) probing fingers of ice that drew power from frigid strongholds in the north and crept southwestward to bury forests, fields, and mountains. Landscapes that were violated by the slowly moving glaciers(冰川)would carry the scars of this advance far into the future. Temperatures dropped deeply, and land surfaces in many parts of the world were depressed by the unrelenting weight of the thrusting ice. At the same time, so much was drawn from the oceans to form these huge glaciers that sea levels around the world fell by three hundred and fifty feet, and large areas of the continental shelf became dry land.
This period of the Earth’s history had come to be called the Ice Age. In all, about eleven million square miles of land were covered with ice. The Ice Age terminated about fourteen thousand years ago when the ice sheets began to retreat. It took about seven thousan
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned
Text{{/B}} Researchers stress that we need diet and exercise to drop pounds. "The most {{U}} (26) {{/U}} way to lose weight is with a combination, "says Rend Wing, head of the National Weight Control Center. {{U}} (27) {{/U}} experts also admit that many {{U}} (28) {{/U}} losers find it helps to {{U}} (29) {{/U}} on one or the other. "A lot of people feel helpless at the thought of {{U}} (30) {{/U}} everything--diet, lifestyle," says Bess Marcus, professor of human behavior at Brown University Medical School. "So ask yourself. ’{{U}} (31) {{/U}} do I want to start What am I willing to focus on ’" The {{U}} (32) {{/U}} depends on everything from what you hope to {{U}} (33) {{/U}} to how your life is {{U}} (34) {{/U}} If you are in a big hurry to drop pounds {{U}} ( A. address B. acquire C. achieve D. adopt [判断题]作业场所和工作岗位存在的危险有害因素及防范措施、事故应急措施、职业病危害及其后果、职业病危害防护措施等,煤矿企业应履行告知义务,从业人员有权了解并提出建议。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 犯罪嫌疑人刘某因涉嫌侵犯商业秘密罪在审查起诉阶段被监视居住。下列说法中错误的是( )。 (1分)
A. 刘某不能与其妻子、儿子住在一起 B. 刘某违反监视居住规定,可以变更为取保候审 C. 刘某未经公安机关批准,不得离开住处 D. 刘某未经检察机关批准,不得会见他人 [多选题]某货物招标中标合同约定于2010年3月31日前付清全部货款200万元,招标人直到2013年1月1日,仍未支付货款,供应商也未曾提出返还货款要求,下列关于诉讼时效的说法正确的有()。
A.诉讼时效已过,债权不再成立 B.诉讼时效已过,法院不应受理供应商的起诉状 C.该债权的诉讼时效应为二年 D.该债权的诉讼时效为四年 E.诉讼时效已过,但债权仍然成立 [判断题]把两个或两个以上的电阻接到电路中的两点之间,电阻两端承受同一电压的电路,叫电阻并联电路。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]伯、叔、姑与侄、侄女,依寺院法的亲等计算法为( )
A. 二亲等的直系血亲 B. 二亲等的旁系血亲 C. 三亲等的直系血亲 D. 三亲等的旁系血亲 [单选题]在办理同一件行政案件中,检查证是否可以重复使用?()
A.对同一场所检查可以重复使用 B.对同一物品检查可以重复使用 C.对同一人身检查可以重复使用 D.不可以重复使用 [单选题]危险化学品单位应当将其危险化学品事故应急预案报所在地设区的市级人民政府安全生产监督管理部门()。
A.备案 B.评审 C.发布 [单项选择]关于发热的分度(口腔温度)正确的是()。
A. 低热36.5℃~37.5℃ B. 中度发热38.0℃~39.0℃ C. 高热38.5℃~39.5℃ D. 超高热39.0℃~40.0℃ E. 正常36.0℃~37.0℃ [单项选择]( )反映了一个国家或地区教育工作总的要求。
A. 教育目的 B. 教育方针 C. 教育原则 D. 培养目标 [单选题] 下列飞机中乘客氧气系统采用高压氧气瓶供气的是()。
A.波音737 B.波音757 C.波音747—400 D.波音767 [单项选择]2011年3月至5月,甲上市公司发生的交易性金融资产业务如下:
(1)3月2日,购入A上市公司股票100万股,每股6元,另发生相关的交易费用2万元,并将该股票划分为交易性金融资产。 (2)3月31日,该股票在证券交易所的收盘价格为每股5.70元。 (3)4月30日,该股票在证券交易所的收盘价格为每股6.10元。 (4)5月10日,将所持有的该股票全部出售,所得价款625万元,已存入银行。假定不考虑相关税费。 4月30日公允价值变动损益为( )元。 A. 400000 B. 30000 C. 500000 D. 600000 [单选题]待用间隔(母线连接排、引线已接上母线的备用间隔)应有名称、编号,并列入调度控制中心管辖范围。其隔离开关(刀闸)操作手柄、网门应()。
A.加锁 B.悬挂标示牌 C.设遮拦 D.不再加锁 我来回答: 提交