The biggest problem facing Chile as it
promotes itself as a tourist destination to be reckoned with, is that it is at
the end of the earth. It is too far south to be a convenient stop on the way to
anywhere else and is much farther than a relatively cheap half-day flight away
from the big tourist markets, unlike Mexico, for example. Chile, therefore, is having to fight hard to attract tourists, to convince travelers that it is worth coming halfway round the world to visit. But it is succeeding, not only in existing markets like the USA and Western Europe but in new territories, in particular the Far East. Markets closer to home, however, are not being forgotten. More than 50% of visitors to Chile still come from its nearest neighbour, Argentina, where the cost of living is much higher. Like all S A. U.S. B. the Far East C. western Europe D. her neighbours [判断题]根据《浙江省人民政府办公厅关于深化收费公路制度改革取消高速公路省界收费站收费政策调整意见的复函》(浙政办函〔2019〕96号),沪杭甬高速公路3类客车车公里费率与上三高速公路的3类客车车公里费率一致。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]正确戴安全帽有两个要点:一是安全帽的帽衬与帽壳之间应有一定间隙;二是必须系紧下颚带。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]大型工程机械在铁路安全保护区内进行有碍行车安全的施工时应(),列车接近前应停止作业。
A.利用列车间隔 B.办理慢行施工手续 C.办理封锁施工手续 D.一机一人设置专人防护 [简答题]简述票卡开封后发现数量或信息有误的处理?
A. 下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全 B. 单纯性下肢静脉曲张 C. 动静脉瘘 D. 深静脉血栓形成后遗症 E. 下肢湿疹 [多选题]环网柜部分停电工作,若进线柜线路侧有电,( )。
A.进线柜应设遮栏,悬挂“止步,高压危险!”标示牌 B.在进线柜负荷开关的操作把手插入口加锁 C.在进线柜负荷开关的操作把手悬挂“禁止合闸,有人工作!”标示牌 D.在进线柜接地刀闸的操作把手插入口加锁 [单选题]护士长培训年轻护士时提问到:气管切开的护理比气管插管护理,更需注意的是( )
A.每次吸痰不宜超过15秒 B.严格无菌操作 C.监测患儿呼吸 D.给予吸纯氧 E.血气分析 [单选题]根据被测设备的材料设置辐射率,作为一般检测,被测设备的辐射率一般取( )左右。
A.0.9 B.0.92 C.0.95 D.0.98 我来回答: 提交