Stop worrying about recession. That is
the message from America’s R-word index. For each quarter, we (1)
how many stones in the New York Times and the Washington Post include
the word "recession". (2) bells were set (3)
by the sharp jump in the "R-count" in the first quarter of this year.
at a rate that in the past has (4) the start of a recession.
In the second quarter. (5) . the number of articles
(6) by more than one-third. A conspiracy theorist might suggest
that newspaper editors, (7) about dwindling advertising
revenues, have (8) the R-word. The Economist has found that (9) the past two decades, the R-word index has been good at (10) mining-points in the American economy. (11) GDP figures which appear (12) after a lag, the numbers are instantly availabl A. Warning B. Alarm C. Siren D. danger [单选题]TKSl4A型司机控制器触头、插座导线对地绝缘电阻值应不小于( )。
A.2MΩ B.5MΩ C.10MΩ D.15MΩ [单项选择]电流流过闭合的触点时会使触点温度上升,这是由于().
A. 导体电阻和接触电阻上的电能损耗 B. 动静触点发生弹跳引起能量损耗 C. 动静触点相互摩擦引起发热 [单选题]《供电营业规则》:中在电价低的供电线路上擅自接用电价高的用电设备,若使用起始日期难以确定的,实际使用日期按()个月计算。
A.2 B.3 C.6 D.12 [单项选择]I wouldn't get so angry if you ()more work done.
A. get B. got C. will get D. would get [单项选择]______ the temperature, ______ water turns into steam.
A. The high... the fast B. Higher... faster C. The more higher... the faster D. The higher... the faster [名词解释]枯山水
[单选题] 严禁在()上行走,不得脚踏钢轨面,道岔连接杆等。
A.道心、枕木头 B.道路 C.行人通道 [多选题] ( )是职业倦怠对工作的影响
A. 业务水平提高 B. 工作效率下降 C. 责任心减退 D. 对工作不满意 [单选题]气腹机与气腹管的标准连接方式为?
A.过滤器+转接头 B.过滤器+7.5号麻醉气管插头 C.转接头 D.7.5号麻醉气管插头 [单选题]根据《中共湖南省委办公厅、湖南省人民政府办公厅
关于全面实施预算绩效管理的实施意见》 规定,到( )年基 本建成我省全方位、全过程、全覆盖的预算绩效管理体系,实现 预算和绩效管理一体化。 A.2021 B.2022 C.2025 D.2026 [单选题]体表血络扩张,纵横丛集形成的肿瘤是( )
A.气瘤 B.血瘤 C.筋瘤 D.肉瘤 E.骨瘤 [判断题]器材应按规定堆放,钢管堆放的两侧应设立柱,堆放高度不宜超过1m,层间可加垫。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]发起农信银个人账户通存业务,因客户原因要求撤销的,正确的处理方式为()
A.存款冲销 B.排队撤销 C.由收付款人协商处理,可协助客户联系收款人 D.业务撤销 [单项选择]空间角度孔是指()孔。
A. 单斜、双斜 B. 交叉 C. 平行于垂直 [多选题]烈日直射头部,环境温度过高,饮水过少或出汗过多等可以引起中暑现象,其症状一般为()
A.恶心、呕吐 B.胸闷、眩晕 C.嗜睡、虚脱 D.严重时抽搐、惊厥甚至昏迷 [判断题]碗扣式钢管脚手架在拆除前,现场的专职安全员应对操作人员进行有针对性的安全技术交底。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]计划免疫评价的常用指标是
A. 建卡率 B. 接种率 C. 保护率 D. 抗体阳转率 E. 以上都对 [单选题]各种补体成分浓度达到成人水平的年龄是
A.1~2个月 B.2~3个月 C.3~4个月 D.3~6个月 E.6~9个月 我来回答: 提交