Sign language is a way of talking by using signs. Indians used sign language when they met strangers. In this way, they could find out whether the stranger was a friend or an enemy. In Indian sign language, signs were made with the hands. One sign meant "man". Another meant "horse". To tell the time of day when something happened, an Indian pointed to the sky. He showed where the sun had been at the time.
Indians usually used signals when they wanted to send messages to someone far away. To make signals, an Indian might use a small horse. He might use smoke, a mirror or fire arrows.
To signal that he had seen many animals, an Indian rode his small horse in a large circle. Sometimes the Indian gave a signal like this and then went away to hide. This meant that there was danger.
He could also send many signals with a mirror. He usually used the mirror to warn someone of danger. Or he attempted to get the attention of a person far way. But
A. When they wanted to kill an enemy.
B. When they wanted to identify a stranger.
C. When they wanted to tell the time of the day.
D. When they wanted to send a message to a person far away.
It’s Friday night, and you want to
watch a movie at home with that special someone. You could go to a video store
and rent a film, and instantly it’s yours; popcorn extra. Or you could go to
Netflix, and the movie will arrive, earliest, on Tuesday. Here’s hoping you had
a Plan B for your big date. Ah, but you love Netflix, the online rental service
that delivers movies and TV shows to your mailbox. Since its start
in.1999, the company has sent more than 2 billion discs to its 10.6 million
subscribers, who return them in the familiar red envelopes for more
titles. As a professional or obsessive movie watcher, I find Netflix a helpful reference source for my never-ending entertainment education. But I have misgivings about the service’s usefulness, especially compared with that of a real, well-stocked video store, and about the A. The service speed of Netflix is quite satisfactory. B. Netflix’s renting business is more attractive. C. Netflix possesses all manner of movies and shows D. Netflix’s movie on sale is less expensive and easy to place. [单选题]2.84. 第84题
根据《省物价局关于印发江苏省电网销售电价分类适用范围说明的通知》规定:含油果种植执行()用电价格。 A.居民生活 B.农业 C.一般工商业及其他 D.大工业 [单项选择]保温层材料的选择在保温材料的物理、化学性能满足工艺要求的前提下,应优先选用()的保温材料。
A. 导热系数低、密度小,价格低廉、施工方便、便于维护 B. 导热系数高、密度小,价格低廉、施工方便、便于维护 C. 导热系数低、密度大,价格低廉、施工方便、便于维护 D. 导热系数高、密度大,价格低廉、施工方便、便于维护 [单选题]货物在惯性力或外力作用下,以端、侧底边或其掩挡物为旋转轴的( )称为倾覆。
A.滚动 B.整体旋转现象 D.窜动 [单选题]当事人确有经济困难,经当事人申请和作出决定的消防救援机构批准,可以( )罚款。
A.免缴 B.减少处罚数额 C.免缴或减少处罚数额 D.暂缓或者分期缴纳 [多选题]《医疗废物管理条例》适用于(
A.医疗废物的收集活动 B.医疗废物的运送活动 C.医疗废物的贮存、处置活动 D.医疗废物的监督管理等活动 [判断题]总队、支队、大队应常态开展作战训练安全督导检查,及时发现和纠正存在的问题。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 《井下作业井控规定》中规定:作业队( )召开一次由队长主持的以井控为主的安全会议。
A.每班 B.每天 C.每周 D.每月 [判断题]二氧化碳的浓度达到30%以上,特别接近于全淹没或局部淹没应用系统的喷射点,将产生窒息的危险。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]什么是应激?强烈的应激对猪群生产有何影响?
[单选题]短期内惊厥频繁发作可致: ( )
A. 血糖降低 B. 血压降低 C. 高热 D. 脱水 E. 窒息 [单项选择] (1) 过年,朋友见面大都要问一句:“春节回家吗”听到我的 (2) 回答后,又一定会再接着问:“为什么”
能解释的客观理由也有,但我想,问我这个问题的人, (3) 也不是真的对我不回家的具体原因感兴趣。他们可能只是有些 (4) ,像我这样远离父母、自己又尚未成家的人,春节似乎是天经地义要和家人 (5) 的。 A. 害怕 B. 不怕 C. 惟恐 D. 恐怕 [判断题]汽车日常维护作业的中心内容是清洁.补给和安全检视。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1.2 校车标牌分前后两块,分别放置于前风窗玻璃________和后风窗玻璃________。
A.右下角、右下角 B.左下角、左下角 C.右下角、适当位置 D.适当位置、适当位置 [多项选择]上市公司募集的资金的数额和使用应当符合( )。
A. 建立募集资金专项存储制度,募集资金必须存放于公司董事会决定专项账户 B. 募集资金用途符合国家产业政策和有关环境保护、土地管理等法律和行政法规 C. 募集资金数额不少于项目需要量 D. 投资项目实施后,不会与控股股东或实际控股人产生同业竞争或影响公司生产经营的独立性 [单选题]新生儿脐导管插管部位不可食用( )进行消毒,因其可对甲状腺有毒害
A.洗必泰 B.75%的酒精 C.碘伏 D.碘酊 E.以上都是 [多选题]根据《企业劳动争议协商调解规定》,调解委员会应当建立健全调解登记、调解记录、督促履行、( )、统计报告等制度。
A.调解目录 B.档案管理 C.业务培训 D.工作考评 [单选题]关于肺部手术病人的术前护理下列哪项是错误的?
A.根据病人情况进行术前宣教和心理护理 B.严格忌烟 C.每日记录痰量及性状。并常规做细菌培养及药敏试验 D.出现大咯血,应立即手术探查止血 E.对于处于慢性感染消耗状态的病人,必要时术前可给予适量输血 [多项选择]我国基金监管的具体目标有( )。
A. 保护投资者利益 B. 保证市场的公平、效率和透明 C. 降低系统风险 D. 推动基金业规范发展 [单选题]近因原则是保险人对于承保范围的保险事故作为直接的、最接近的原因引起的损失承担保险责任,而对于承保范围以外的原因造成的损失不负赔偿责任。按照该原则,承担责任并不取决于时间上或空间上的接近,而是取决于导致保险标的损失的风险事故是否在承保范围内,如果存在多个原因导致保险损失,其中最直接、最有效、起决定作用的原因,以及不可避免会产生事故作用的原因就是近因。
A.张某夜间打猎不慎摔伤,在等待救援时受凉感冒引发肺炎导致死亡,其死亡原因是摔伤 B.王某的保险车辆遭受暴雨浸泡汽缸进水,他强行启动车辆时发动机受损,受损原因为暴雨 C.暴风雨致电线杆倒塌,电线短路引起火花引燃仓库,库存商品燃烧殆尽,损失原因是暴风雨 D.船舶进水,所载皮革进水腐烂,腐烂恶臭致使邻舱的烟草变质,烟草受损原因是船舶进水 [单选题]关于驾驶机动车跟车行驶,以下做法的是什么?
A. A.与前车保持足以采取紧急制动措施的安全距离 B.B.与前车保持较近距离,以防加塞 C.C.将注意力全部集中在所跟随的车辆上 D.D.将注意力全部集中在后方的车辆上 [多选题]下列有关我国选举制度平等原则的论述,错误的有( )。
A.在每次选举中,每个选民只有一个投票权 B.在每次选举中,每个选民可以在居住区和工作单位分别各投票一次 C.候选人不能参与投票 D.每一代表所代表的人口数都是相等的 [单项选择]
A. To get the funding for the hospitals. B. To help the disabled children there. C. To train therapists for the children there. D. To set up an institution for the handicapped. 我来回答: 提交