Passage Three
Considered as a continuous body of fluid, the atmosphere is another kind of ocean. Yet, in view of the total amount of rain and snow on land areas in the course of a year, one of the most amazing water facts is the very small amount of water in the atmosphere at any given time. The volume of the lower seven miles of the atmosphere--the realm of weather events- is roughly four times the volume of the world’s oceans. But the atmosphere contains very little water. It is chiefly in the form of invisible vapor, some of which is carried over land by air currents. If all vapor suddenly fell from the air onto the earth’s surface, it would form a layer only about one inch thick. A heavy rainstorm on a given area may use up only a small percentage of the water from the air mass that passes over. How, then, can some land areas receive more than 400 inches of rain per year How can several inches of rain fall during a single storm in a few minutes or h
A. There is little water contained in the atmosphere even in a heavy rainstorm.
B. In some places there falls an amount of over 400 inches of rain every year.
C. Most water vapor comes from the Oceans all over the world.
D. The process of water returning to the atmosphere is called evaporation.
Teachers grumble over pay everywhere, but in West Virginia Wesleyan College the anger is acute. Salaries here have barely moved since 2000, and the average assistant professor’s pay has fallen below that at Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College. On a campus with just 86 full-time faculty, a sociology professor said, a few hundred thousand dollars more spent on teaching could make a real difference.
Wesleyan President William Haden says the college plans to raise faculty pay. But he says Wesleyan is nothing without students -- "they vote with their feet" -- and the college has no choice but to address their wants and needs. He says technology has been a big part of that, and some recent graduates agree that it’s valuable -- though maybe not essential. Daniel Simmons, a 1999 graduate and also a middle-school teacher, praised the technology program. "If I had gone to another school it wouldn’t have been available to me,"
A. It is the teachers’ needs rather than the students’ that really count in Wesleyan.
B. The technology program provides scholarship for high ability freshmen.
C. The cancel of the nursing program hinders Wesleyan from recruiting students.
D. Online applications are still required if students want to enter Wesleyan.
Holding (No. of shares) | /r/n Today’s price (p) | /r/n |
Nitro (9)______ /r/nForsythe Bank /r/nWeb Communications
| /r/n 500 /r/n(10)______ /r/n(11)______ | /r/n 200 /r/n301 /r/n160 /r/n | /r/n
Bespoke Tailoring /r/nRose (14)______ /r/nPharmedico Drugs <[单选题](236093)热电阻温度计是利用金属导体或半导体的( )随温度的变化的原理制成的。
A.电流 B.密度 C.电阻 D.体积 [多选题]在下列情况下,寿险公司可以采用现金收付费方式()。
A. 保险公司在营业场所内现金收付费 B. 保险公司在营业场所外通过保险公司员工、保险营销员收取现金保费,依照保险合同单次金额不超过人民币1000元的 C. 保险公司委托保险代理机构在保险代理机构营业场所内现金收付费 D. 保险公司不得采用现金收付费方式 [单项选择]杜能圈中主要生产粮食的是()。
A. 第三圈:轮栽农作区 B. 第四圈:谷草农作区 C. 第一圈:自由农作区 D. 第二圈:林业区 [单选题]起重吊装作业中的钢丝绳与吊垂线的夹角一般不大于( )。
A.65° B.60° C.45° [单项选择]某长期债券的面值为100元,拟定的发行价格为95元,期限为3年,票面利率为7.5%,每年付息,到期一次还本。假设该企业为免税企业,则该债券的资本成本为( )。
A. 大于6% B. 等于6% C. 小于6% D. 无法确定 [单项选择]膳食纤维的主要特性不包括()。
A. 吸水作用 B. 供能作用 C. 黏滞作用 D. 细菌发酵作用 E. 阳离子交换作用 [单选题]王某,因脑部外伤而入院手术,术后第2天病人处于对于较重的刺激可以被唤醒,随后又入睡。对所提问题不能正确回答的状态。该病人的意识状态处于何种情况
A.昏睡 B.嗜睡 C.谵妄 D.浅昏迷 E.深昏迷 [单选题]随着产业转移和人口比重变化,()在世界一次能源需求中所占的比重趋于下降,
()占比趋于上升。 A.发达国家;欠发达国家 B.欠发达国家;发展中国家 C.发达国家;发展中国家 D.发展中国家;发达国家 [单选题]《中国银监会办公厅关于进一步强化内控合规管理防范案件风险的通知》(银监办发〔2017〕10号)中强调,银行业金融机构要将员工()作为案件防控工作的重要内容。
A.教育培训 B.风险意识培训 C.操作培训 D.思想教育培训 [多选题]线损按损耗特性进行分类为( )。
A.物理损耗 B.不变损耗 C.可变损耗 D.不明损耗 [简答题]追欢作乐笑颜开,不念危亡半点哀。快乐异乡忘故国,方知后主是庸才。”此诗所讲此人是谁?
A.生死有命,富贵在天 B.金钱万能,有钱就有一切 C.个人本身就是目的,社会只是达到个人目的的一种手段 D.社会主义必然代替资本主义,全世界最终必然实现共产主义 [单项选择]胆石症不可能出现的实验室检查结果是()
A. 尿胆原增加 B. 尿胆红素阳性 C. 粪胆素减少 D. 血中碱性磷酸酶增加 E. 血中结合胆红素增加 [填空题]蛔虫成虫外部形态:线状,雌雄异体,(),体表光滑有横纹
[单选题]轨道作业车排障器下缘距轨道上平面的距离范围应为( )mm,使用时应注意调整。
A.75~90 B.90~130 C.14~60 [判断题]船员服务簿记载的事项发生变更的,船员应当向海事管理机构办理变更手续。
[单选题]夜间——红色灯光作圆形转动,为( )信号。
A.溜放 B.指挥机车向显示人方向稍行移动 C.连结 D.指挥机车向显示人反方向稍行移动 [判断题]收银台上不能摆放与工作无关的物品。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]平均红细胞血红蛋白含量相对应的缩写是( )
A. RBC B. MCH C. HGB D. Hct E. MCV [判断题]接触网附近发生火灾时,用水浇灭距离接触网4m以外的燃着物时,水管不准朝接触网方向喷射,水流与接触网带电部分,应保持2m的安全距离。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]关于粉体润湿性叙述正确的是
A. 润湿是固体界面由固一液界面变为固—气界面的现象 B. 粉体的润湿性对片剂、颗粒剂等固体制剂的硬度、崩解性等具有重要意义 C. 固体的润湿性由接触角表示 D. 接触角越大,润湿性越好 E. 接触角最小为0°,最大为180° [单项选择]影片《战舰波将金号》是20世纪20年代()(国)的重要作品?
A. 意大利 B. 苏联 C. 美国 D. 法国 [单项选择]患儿,6个月。需给予复方甘草合剂(成人量为10ml),按Fried′s公式应选择的剂量为()
A. 0.2ml B. 0.4ml C. 0.6ml D. 2.0ml E. 4.0ml [单选题][TW]BCA07 5 1 2
启用HL-MWD仪器的流量开关,井下仪器循环测斜传输的第一组序列是( )。 A.循环序列A B.循环序列B C.停泵序列 D.循环发送各序列 [不定项选择题]迈瑞肌松NMT监测技术适用的病人类型为:( )
A.成人、小儿、新生儿 B.成人、小儿 C.成人、小儿、体重大于3kg的新生儿 D.仅成人 [判断题]外海收油机遥控器按下反转按钮,泵或刷链开始反转( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]HXD1C型电力机车当机车电制动投入时,由自动制动产生的制动缸压力将被缓解。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交