Now medical researchers are discovering
a truism: "alcohol and tobacco do not mix." These two substances, both dangerous
to health, act synergistically, each making the other more powerful and thereby
causing worse damage than either would do alone. Because of this interaction, the person who both smokes and drinks heavily may be at a greater risk of becoming ill than one who drinks like a fish, but never smokes or who smokes like a chimney, but never drinks. To get an idea of how this synergism may work, consider what happens when a smoker lights up a cigarette. With each puff he inhales at least 4,000 different chemicals. These include toxic hydrogen-cyanide, carbon monoxide and nitrogen-dioxide gases, and four dozen compounds such as benzo pyrene and radioactive polonium 210. All are known as carcinogens. Most chemical vapor A. smoking reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of his blood B. smoking and drinking make him malnourished C. the problem of deficient oxygen supply and malnourishment act synergistically D. it’s the normal metabolism [单项选择]CT与常规X线摄影相比,优点是
A. 空间分辨率高 B. 密度分辨率高 C. X线剂量小 D. 没有伪影 E. 不需要胶片 [单项选择]提出“使管理图书的都有图书馆教育的知识”的人是()。
A. 李大钊 B. 杜定友 C. 胡庆生 D. 蔡元培 [单项选择]下列哪种病其1/3的病人患有神经纤维瘤病()
A. 眶内炎性假瘤 B. 视网膜母细胞瘤 C. 眼型Grave病 D. 黑色素瘤 E. 视神经胶质瘤 [单选题]某生产经营单位发生了重大生产安全事故,在完成事故上报工作之后,进入事故调查阶段。依据《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》(国务院令第493号),该事故调查工作实行的原则是( )。
A.部门领导、部门负责 B.政府领导、部门负责 C.政府领导、分级负责 D.部门领导、分级负责 [多选题]关于STM操作,说法正确的是( )
A. 调拨和清机必须在监控范围内双人操作,实行双人清点和复核制度,确保账实相符。 B. 营业终了,STM设备内重空凭证实物应双人清点入库管理,不得私自留存或存放在营业网点内保管。 C. 凭证实行双人清点和复核制度,凭证调拨和清机必须在监控范围内双人操作。 D. STM设备的密码和钥匙、主副柜和对应凭证箱的钥匙保管, 必须实行“双人保管,平行交接”的原则。 [单选题]表示装配单元先后顺序的图,称为( )。
A.总装图 B.工艺流程卡 C.零件图 D.装备单元系统图 [单项选择]耐火材料是耐火度不低于()℃的无机非金属材料。
A. 1460 B. 1500 C. 1540 D. 1580 [填空题] 工作人员外出参加会议,( ),会议期间的住宿费、伙食补助费按会议通知的标准凭据报销;不统一安排食宿的,按照出差规定标准报销住宿费、伙食补助费。
A. 广西莪术 B. 绿莪术 C. 温郁金 D. 姜黄 E. 蓬莪术 我来回答: 提交