项 目 | 本年累计数 |
一、主营业务收入 | 25000 |
减:主营业务成本 | 15000 |
主营业务税金及附加 | 1000 |
二、主营业务利润 | 9000 |
加:其他业务利润 | 8000 |
减:营业费用 | [判断题]铜片可反复使用,但经处理后其表面变形时就不能使用。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]起重滑车出现下述情况之一时应报废()。
A.裂纹 B.轮槽径向磨损量达钢丝绳名义直径的25% C.轮槽壁厚磨损量达基本尺寸的10% D.轮槽不均匀磨损量达3mm E.略 F.略 [单项选择]急性肾衰竭最常见的电解质紊乱是()。
A. 高钠血症 B. 低钠血症 C. 高钾血症 D. 低钾血症 E. 高钙血症 [单选题]下列哪个选项不是常用的安全电压( )。
A.12V B.110V C.24V D.36V [单项选择]在一定程度上说,()的成熟标志着儿童个性的成熟。
A. 自我意识 B. 个性特征 C. 能力倾向 D. 个性倾向 [单项选择]一病人需强烈刺激或反复高声呼唤才能唤醒,醒后表情茫然,反应迟钝,只能作简单的回答,这种意识状态是属于()
A. 嗜睡 B. 浅昏迷 C. 昏睡 D. 意识模糊 E. 以上均不是 [判断题]对于“信e快贷”全省通用产品,省联社提供客户评级参考模型,农商银行结合实际自行设置。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]白雪皑皑,在晚霞的映照下,呈现出一片红色,但是我们对雪地的知觉仍然是白色。这是因为人的知觉具有()
A. 恒常性 B. 选择性 C. 理解性 D. 整体性 E. 相似性 [单选题]不排除具有危险特性,可能对环境或者人体健康造成有害影响,需要按照()进行管理的
A.危险废物 B.一般固废 C.普通废物 D.垃圾 [判断题]高压试验中如发生异常情况,应立即断开电源,并经充分放电、接地后方可检查。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]大便不能自控,滑出不禁,甚则便出而不自知称为()
A. 完谷不化 B. 五更泻 C. 脓血便 D. 滑泻 E. 里急后重 [单项选择]
Hospital Mistreatment According to a study, most medical interns report experiencing mistreatment, including humiliation by senior doctors, (51) threatened, or physical abuse in their first year out of medical school. The findings come from analysis of the (52) a 13-page survey mailed in January 1991 to 1,733 second-year residents. The survey and (53) appear in the April 15th issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. Overall, out of the 1,277 residents (54) completed surveys, 1,185 said that they had experienced at least one incident of mistreatment in their intern year. (55) reporting incidents where they were abused, more than 45% of the residents said they had witnessed at least one incident where other persons (56) false medical records. Moreover, nearly three quarters of the residents said they had witnessed mistreatment of patents by other residents, att A. unusual B. typical C. easy D. difficult [判断题] 各级人民政府应当加强安全生产基础设施建设和安全生产监管能力建设,所需经费列入本级预算。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交