With increasing prosperity, West
European youth is having a fling that is creating distinctive consumer and
cultural patterns. The result has been the increasing emergence in Europe of that phenomenon well known in America as the "youth market." This is a market in which enterprising businesses cater to the demands of teenagers and older youths in all their beatlemania and pop-art forms. In the United States, the market is wide-ranging and well established, almost an industry, which with this country’s emphasis on "youthfulness," even extends beyond teenager groups. As in the United States, youthful tastes in Europe extend over a similar range of products-records and record players, leather jackets and "wayout," extravagantly styled clothing, cosmetics and soft drinks. Generally it now is difficult to tell in which directi A. England than it is in America B. Stockholm than it is in Paris C. America than it is in Europe D. Europe than it is in Asia [多选题]我国《宪法》第三十八条明确规定:“中华人民共和国公民的人格尊严不受侵犯。”关于该条文所表现的宪法规范,下列哪些选项是正确的?
A.在性质上属于组织性规范 B.通过《民法通则》中有关姓名权的规定得到了间接实施 C.法院在涉及公民名誉权的案件中可以直接据此作出判决 D.与法律中的有关规定相结合构成一个有关人格尊严的规范体系 [多选题]>事故的统计报告应当坚持()的原则。
A.及时 B.准确 C.真实 D.完整 E.实事求是 [单项选择]患者,女,40岁,突然出现剧烈头痛、项枕部痛和呕吐8小时,不发热。无高血压病史。体检:神清,血压轻度增高。右瞳孔散大,对光反应消失,右上睑下垂,眼球向上、向下、向内运动不能。颈强直,Kernig征(+)。脑CT示脑正中裂、大脑外侧裂和基底池呈高密度影,首先考虑的诊断是()
A. 脑实质出血 B. 脑膜癌 C. 蛛网膜下腔出血 D. 脑膜炎 E. 脑瘤 [判断题]工时定额不属于订单所包含的内容( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在向尽头止挡处进行移动时,车速不能高于()公里/小时。
A. 3 B. 5 C. 10 D. 20 [单选题]( )是指随时、随地都可能会发生火灾。人们无法事先确定何时、何地、何场所将会发生。
A.普遍性 B.随机性 C.必然性 [多项选择]决定保险费多少的主要因素有()。
A. 保险经纪人 B. 保险金额 C. 保险合同形式 D. 保险受益人 E. 保险费率 [单项选择]文学审美属性的最根本的来源是()。
A. 文学所塑造的形象 B. 文学作品的形式本身 C. 文学作品中运用的语言 D. 文学作品内容与形式的辩证统一 [单选题]当发生交通事故后,立即在右侧或紧急停车带停车,并开启双闪危险灯,车后按规定设置警示牌,保护现场,驾驶员及其他乘车人员应撤离事故车辆,立即拨打110或( )报警;
A.122 B.114 C.911 D.119 [单选题]22、《工伤保险条例》规定,生活护理费按照生活完全不能自理、生活大部分不能自理或者生活部分不能自理3个不同等级支付,其标准分别为统筹地区上年度职工月平均工资的( )。
A. 70%、60%或者50% B. 60%、50%或者40% C.50%、40%或者30% [单选题]变压器虽然允许过负荷,但应装设过负荷保护用于( )。(1分)
A.跳闸 B.发信号 C.自动减负荷 D.切除负荷 [单选题]建筑高度大于33米的住宅建筑户门不宜直接开向前室,当确有困难时,每层开向同一前室的户门不应大于3樘且应为( )。
A.双向弹簧门 B.甲级防火门 C.乙级防火门 D.丙级防火门 [判断题]电缆施工回填土前,应清理积水,进行一次中间验收,合格后,应及时回填土,并进行分层夯实。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]体内NH3的主要来源是
A. 肠道吸收 B. 肾脏产氨 C. 氨基酸脱氨基 D. 胺分解 E. 碱基分解 [单选题]下列关于 RTK 相关,描述错误的是( )
A.植保作业开启 RTK 后,飞行规划航线为厘米级定位,后续作业无需纠正偏移 B.开启 RTK 后,农业无人飞机飞行将更稳定,更耐电磁干扰 C.关闭 RTK 定向,农业无人飞机依旧具备强抗电磁干扰 D.RTK 定位更精准,建议采用 RTK 规划,并开启飞行器 RTK 定位 [判断题]充油电缆油压示警系统控制电缆线芯对地绝缘每千米不应小于 0.5 MΩ。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]生物质能,是指利用自然界的植物、粪便以及城乡有机废物转化成的(能源)
A.肥料 B.能源 C.有机物 D.电能 [填空题]在广告中对产品质量作虚假宣传、欺骗和训导消费者的,依照( )的规定追究法律责任。
[判断题]LFSD指令输出项提示AIRCRAFT TAIL HEAVY AT ZFW表示飞机起飞重心靠后.()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]中间站利用正线、到发线调车作业过程中可能待避列车时,须在调车作业计划的注意事项中注明预计每次停止调车作业待避的首趟旅客列车的( )。(《铁路调车作业补充规定》第19条)
A.车次和通过(到、开)时刻 B.车次 C.通过时刻 D.到、开时刻 [单选题]接头轨枕失效,其他轨枕连续3根失效需纳入( )处理。
A.Ⅰ级临时补修 B.Ⅱ级临时补修 C.Ⅲ级临时补修 D.紧急修 [单项选择]天地公司办公室对企业新产品开发情况进行了简要的报道,这一报道属于( )
A. 动态信息 B. 经验信息 C. 典型信息 D. 评述信息 [单选题]单选题:职工连续休假超过( ),须重新经过安全教育培训后方准上岗恢复工作,培训内容同新员工培训中的二级和三级安全教育内容。
A.三个月及以上 B.三个月及以上(不足六个月) C.六个月及以上 D.十二个月及以上 [单项选择]地震资料处理质量评价准测规定,偏移二级品剖面应达到偏移方法()。
A. 正确 B. 不正确 C. 基本正确 [单选题]线路维修捣固作业时应设置不少于( )的基本起道量。
A.10mm B.15mm C.20mm D.30mm [单项选择]Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:
Nonverbal (非语言的) communication has to do with gestures, movements and close-ness of two people when they are talking. (78) The scientists say that those gestures, movements and so on have meaning which words do not carry. For example, the body distance between two speakers can be important. North Ameri-cans often complain that South Americans are unfriendly because they tend to stand close to the North American when speaking, while the South American often consider the North American to be "cold" or "distant" because he keeps a greater distance between himself and the person he is speaking to. The "eye contact" provides another example of what we are calling nonverbal communication. Scientists have observed that there is more eye contact between people who like each other than there is between people who don’t like each other. (79) The length of time that the person whom you are speaking to looks at yo A. tend to keep a distance between himself and the person he is speaking to B. usually stands close to the person he is talking to C. are often unfriendly when spoken to D. are often cold and distant when speaking [单选题]《铁路旅客运输规程》中规定,全国铁路的行车时刻,均以北京时间为标准,从()起计算,实行24小时制。
A.二十时 B.十八时 C.十二时 D.零时 我来回答: 提交