There was one thought that air
pollution affected only the area immediately around large cities with factories
and heavy automobile traffic. At present, we realize that although these are the
areas with the worst air pollution, the problem is literally worldwide. (76)
On several occasions over the past decade, a heavy cloud of air pollution has
covered the east of the United States and brought health warnings in rural areas
away from any major concentration of manufacturing_and automobile traffic.
In fact, the very climate of the entire earth may be infected by air
pollution. Some scientists consider that the increasing concentration of carbon
dioxide in the air resulting from the burning of fossil fuels (coal and oil) is
creating a "greenhouse effect"—conserving heat reflected from the earth and
raising the world’ s averag A. shares the same view with the scientists B. is uncertain of its occurrence C. rejects it as being ungrounded D. thinks that it will destroy the world soon [单选题]在数据库上工作结束前,应验证相关的()运行正常。
A.操作系统 B.业务系统 C.数据采集系统 D.监视控制系统 [单项选择]在载重表中,旅客行李用()英文字母表示?
A. M B. C C. B D. D [单选题]束状骨位于
A.牙槽骨外板 B.牙槽骨骨小梁 C.固有牙槽骨近骨髓部分 D.固有牙槽骨近牙周膜部分 E.牙槽骨骨髓内 [单项选择]By saying that many kinds of fiction are self - explanatory ('the first sentence of paragraph 2), the author means ______.
A. they are easy to understand B. they are meant for ordinary readers C. they often use horror to develop their plots D. their categories show what they are about [填空题]{{B}}SECTION B{{/B}}
A. A.He slept in a prison in Germany. B.He was nearly killed in Devon. C.He managed to reach the center of the Middle East war. D.He took a train on which he was threatened by a murderer. [单选题]使用起重机拆塔时,车身应使用不小于( )mm2的铜线可靠接地。
A.A-16 B.B-18 C.C-22 D.D-24 E.掠 F.掠 G.掠 [简答题]空调冷凝水管可以直接接至何处?( )
[单项选择]The Pilgrim's Progress is written by
A. John Bunyan. B. John Milton. C. John Keats. D. John Galsworthy. [判断题]严禁焊补未开孔洞的密封容器。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]一个工作负责人( )多张工作票,工作票上所列的工作地点,以一个电气连接部分为限。
A.不能同时持有 B.不可以同时执行 C.不能依次执行 D.不能同时接受许可 [单项选择]What are they talking about
A. The lovely day. B. The heavy rain. C. The weather. [单选题]轴承内外圈探伤时应使用()型标准试片
A.AA1-15/50 B.BD1-15/50 C.C两者都有可以 D.D两者都不是 [单项选择]西晋杜育的《荈赋》是我国第一篇以茶为主题的文学作品。某班兴趣小组以此为题材对茶的起源问题进行探究后,形成了以下四种意见,其中最合理的是()
A. 文学作品不具有史料价值,不能以此确定茶的起源 B. 文学作品虽是社会生活的反映,仍不能据此确定茶起源于晋代 C. 唐代《茶经》是中国第一部关于茶的专著,应据此确定茶起源于唐代 D. 传说神农氏发现了茶,可据此确定茶起源于神农氏时期 [名词解释]养老保险
A. 安装成本 B. 融资租入固定资产的设备价款 C. 支付的增值税 D. 运杂费和包装费 [单选题]三相两元件有功电能表,接入A、B相线电压时,电流应接C相电流。
A.A、正确 B.B、错误 [单选题]受电弓一般具备的功能不包含哪些?
A.时间调整 B.压力调整 C.ADD D.过流保护 [单选题]下列哪项不是整体护理观念的含义 ( )
A.护理要以人为中心护理过程 B.以护理程序为框架 C.护理服务对象是指向患病的个体 D.护理过程体现出对人的生理、心理、社会诸多方面的关心 [多选题]《建筑节能工程施工质量验收规范》GB50411--2007的强制性条文中,墙体节能工程的施工应符合下列哪些规定( )。
A.保温浆料待结构成型后统一施工 B.保温隔热材料的厚度必须符合设计要求 C.保温板与基层及各构层之间的粘结或连接必须牢固 D.当墙体节能工程的保温层采取预埋或后置锚固件固定时,锚固件数量、位置、锚固深度和拉拔力应符合设计要求 E.各种设备、总控阀门与仪表应按设计要求安装齐全,不得随意增减和更换 [单选题]被选中要筛选的数据单元格的下拉箭头中没有哪一种筛选方式 ( )。
A.全部 B.前十个 C.后十个 D.自定义 [判断题] 地下管线保护主要是指对结构物范围内铺设在地下的供水、排水、燃气、热力、电力、通信、广播电视、工业、石油、天然气以及其他地铁隧道、地下综合管廊等管线及其附属设施进行保护。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交