Until recently, most American
entrepreneurs (企业家)were men. Discrimination against women in business, the
demands of caring for families, and lack of business training had kept the
number of women entrepreneurs small. Now, however, businesses owned by women
account for more than $40 billion in annual revenues, and this figure is likely
to continue rising throughout the 1980s. As Carolyn Doppelt Gray, an official of
the Small Business Administration, has noted, "The 1970s was the decade of women
entering management, and the 1980s has turned out to be the decade of the woman
entrepreneur." What are some of the factors behind this trend For one thing, as more women earn advanced degrees in business and enter the corporate world, they are finding obstacles. Women are still excluded from most executive suites. Charlotte Taylor, a manageme A. point out that initially the financial resources of Sandra Kurtzig’s business were limited B. show the resourcefulness of Sandra Kurtzig C. suggest that the company need to expand D. show the disadvantage of women in business [单选题]在铣床上用压板夹紧工件时,为增大夹紧力,可将螺栓( )。
A.远离工件 B.靠近工件 C.在压板中间 D.处于任意位置 [判断题]高压触电时,可以用相应电压等级的绝缘工具按顺序拉开电源开关或熔断器的方法使触电者脱离电源。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]HF列车具有零压启动功能。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]()是国家赋予其制定和执行货币政策,对国民经济进行宏观调控和管理监督的特殊金融机构。
A.商业银行 B.中央银行 C.基金公司 D.政策性银行 [判断题]设备安装人员在工程施工过程中要保持机房整洁、卫生,每天下班前要清理好工作现场。使用完工具后,要将工具放回工具箱,工具箱应放在安全的位置保存。未经客户主管人员许可,严禁进入施工区域以外的机房和使用客户的器具、设备。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
{{B}}How to approach Listening Test Part Two{{/B}} · In this part of the Listening Test you listen to five short monologues, spoken by five different speakers. · There are two tasks for each of the five monologues. For each task you must choose one out of eight options. · You can either do one task the first time you listen and the other task the second time, or deal with the two tasks for each monologue together. · Within each monologue, the information for each of the two tasks may come in either order. · Listen for overall meaning. Do not choose an answer just because you hear the same words in the recording as in the question. · Check you have not used the same option more than once within each task. · You will hear five different people talking about managers. · For each extract there are two tasks. For Task One, decide which problem they mention from the list A - H. For Task Two, choose the recommendation made from the list A - [单选题]高压电力电缆中,保护电缆免受外界杂质和水分的侵入,防止外力直接破坏电缆的为( )。
A. 绝缘层 B. 屏蔽层 C. 保护层 D. 接地层 [单项选择]The main purpose of the passage is to ______.
A. discuss the influence of Dorothea Dix on the mental health movement B. provide an historical perspective on problems of mental health care C. increase public awareness of the plight of the mentally iii D. shock the reader with vivid descriptions of asylums [单项选择]以文书的内容和所产生的法律效果为标准对书证进行分类的是()
A. 书证和物证 B. 普通书证和特别书证 C. 公文书和私文书 D. 处分性书证和报道性书证 [单选题]"《点型感温火灾探测器》(GB4716-2005)规定,Al型感温火灾探测器的最高应用温度为( )。
A. 40℃ B. 50℃ C. 54℃ D. 45℃" [多项选择]手机邮箱取消方式有哪些?()
A. 网站方式 B. 短信方式 C. 浙江移动网站 D. 10086人工 [判断题]在评估检测和准入检测均为三级的有限空间内,进行热熔焊接作业时,打开出入口井盖进行自然通风即可。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]抓好在职教育和学历升级,创建学习型队伍、培育知识型队员。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]中间站利用本务机车调车时,调车领导人在填写调车作业示意图前,须派人检查,并根据检查人的汇报,在示意图标注( )。
A.防溜措施 B.停留车数量 C.停留车车种、空重以及位置 D.停留车辆数、位置 [单选题]CIR A子架的蓄电池亏电会造成( )
A.收不到进路预告 B.机车号注册失败 C.无法自检 D.机车号注销失败 [单项选择]导致崩漏的常见病因病机是
A. 肾虚、脾虚、血热、血瘀 B. 肾虚、脾虚、血热、血寒 C. 肾虚、脾虚、肝郁、血瘀 D. 肾虚、脾虚、肝郁、血热 E. 肾虚、脾虚、湿热、血瘀 [单选题]间接验电即检查隔离开关(刀闸)的机械指示位置、电气指示、仪表及带电显示装置指示的变化,且至少应有()个及以上指示已同时发生对应变化。
A.一 B.二 C.三 D.四 [简答题]为什么机体酸中毒的病人容易发生DIC?
A. 10m B. 15m C. 20m D. 25m [单选题]哪一过程应当符合预防、处置突发事件的需要,统筹安排应对突发事件所必需的设备和基础设施建设,合理确定应急避难场所:( )
A.城乡规划 B.应急演练 C.应急预案的制定 D.应急知识宣传 E.应急救援队伍的建设 [单选题]某男,18岁。“感冒”后出现乏力、厌食、腹胀,1周后出现巩膜黄染。查血:(ALT)500U/L,总胆红素(STB)102μmol/L,直接胆红素(CB)54μmol/L,白蛋白(A)40g/L;白蛋白/球蛋白(A/G)1.25:1。尿胆红素:阳性,尿胆原:阳性。黄疸类型:
A.隐性黄疸 B.轻度黄疸 C.肝细胞性黄疸 D.阻塞性黄疸 E.溶血性黄疸 [判断题]1.205. 第205题
电容式电压互感器是利用电容分压和电磁感应原理工作的。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]接触网作业车应保压停车,直至发车前出站(发车进路)信号机开放或接到车站准备开车的通知后,方能缓解制动。 CG58)( )(0.01分)
A. √ B. × 我来回答: 提交