Scientists can determine someone’s
favorite food from their body shape. They have discovered that the arrangement
of taste buds(舌部味蕾) on the tongue varies for different body types. The scientist
team examined 1 000 British adults and divided them into three physiologically
recognized body types--ectomorphs, endomorphs and mesomorphs. They determined
that a person’s body type indicated where they. were likely to have the most
taste buds-on the sweet, bitter or salty areas of their tongue. The study showed that ectomorphs, who make up one in three of the population, usually have a small delicate shape, have a sweet tooth but hate bitter foods. Mesomorphs, who make up 20 percent of the population, usually have a muscular shape and prefer salty or bitter foods but dislike sweet foods. Half the British population are endomorphy with soft, rounded A. how to lose weight B. a report on your body shape and favorite food C. how body shape is determined by the arrangement of your taste buds D. how body shape has something to do with your taste buds [单选题]贯心脉行呼吸的气是
A.元气 B.卫气 C.中气 D.营气 E.宗气 [多选题]按照违章情节及可能造成的后果,可分为( ).
A.非常严重违章 B.特别严重违章 C.严重违章 D.一般违章 [简答题]上海八级工伤赔偿标准?
[多选题]“两恨”是指在厌学中学生对( )否定过程。
A.讨厌书本 B.厌学教室 C.讨厌同学 D.讨厌老师 [单项选择]机关、单位应当将集中制作、存放、保管国家秘密载体的专门场所确定为()。
A. 保密要害部位 B. 保密要害部门 C. 保密重要部位 D. 保密室 [单选题]行政机关逾期未作出处理决定或者解除冻结决定的,( )应当自冻结期满之日起解除冻结
A.上级行政机关 B.纪检监督机关 C.金融机构 D.检察机关 [多选题]多选题 跑步时两臂前后自然摆动,向前摆臂时,肘部贴于腰际,( )稍向里合,两拳内侧各距衣扣线约5 厘米。
A.大臂略垂直 B.小臂略平 C.双臂垂直 D.双脚并拢 [单项选择]低压隔爆开关的触头()磨损至原厚度的()、超行程压力低于规定值时,应更换触头。
A. 1/2 B. 1/3 C. 1/4 [判断题]快运公司负责在行包收货时货物验视和实名制登记,以及通过旅客列车行李车运输的行包逐件过机安检,防止夹带危险品、禁运品。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]防酸碱清洗剂有效使用期限一般为15年。(中)( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]3.48.第48题
在避雷针、避雷线的架构上,可以装设未采取保护措施的通信线、低压电力照明线。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]左心室流入道流出道的分界线是()
A. 室上嵴 B. 界嵴 C. 界沟 D. 二尖瓣 E. 主动脉瓣 [简答题]论述电子政务的发展阶段和应用类型。
A. 自主神经功能失调 B. 急性心包炎 C. 主动脉夹层 D. 心肌梗死 E. 心绞痛 [单选题]在煤岩四氯化碳试验中,含油最多的为()的岩样。
A.浸泡后溶液仍为原色 B.浸泡后溶液倒在滤纸上残留为淡黄色或棕色痕迹 C.浸泡后溶液变为棕色、棕褐色或黄褐色 D.将岩样浸泡1h后,溶液为淡绿色 我来回答: 提交