第 5 题办理贴现的银行把买人的票据卖给其他银行的行为是()。A.贴现
【我提交的答案】: B |
【参考答案与解析】: 正确答案:B |
If you want to stay young, sit down and
have a good think. This is the research finding of a team of Japanese doctors,
who say that most of our brains are not getting enough exercise and as a result,
We are aging unnecessarily soon. Professor Taiju Matsuzawa wanted to find out why otherwise healthy farmers in northern Japan appeared to be losing their ability to think and reason at a relatively early age. With a team of colleagues at Tokyo National University, he set about measuring brain volumes or a thousand people of different ages and varying occupations. Computer technology enabled the researchers to obtain precise measurements of the volume of the front and side sections of the brain, which relate to intellect and emotion, and determine the human character. The rear (后方的) section of the brain, which contr A. Shop assistants. B. Lawyers. C. Professors. D. Doctors. [判断题]采用大型设备在围堰内挖土或起重吊装作业时严禁碰撞钢支撑。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]作为一种规范伦理学,护理伦理学主要依据的3个基本理论是()
A. 义务论、美德论、动机论 B. 规范论、美德论、动机论 C. 义务论、功利论、规范论 D. 义务论、美德论、功利论 E. 规范论、动机论、功利论 [单选题]刚好使导线的稳定温度达到电缆最高允许温度时的载流量,称为()。
A.额定载流量 B.最大载流量 C.允许载流量 [单项选择]患者李某,60岁,心内膜炎,需混合注射链霉素和青霉素,皮试结果均为阴性,此时护士首先应考虑的是
A. 药物有无配伍禁忌 B. 药物的有效期 C. 各种药物的剂量 D. 药物的刺激性 E. 各种药物的浓度 [单选题]以下不属于我国传统体育项目的是( )。
A.太极拳 B.武术 C.跆拳道 D.围棋 [单选题]下列有关两性霉素B描述不正确的是( )(1.72分)
A.对深部真菌具有强大的抑制作用 B.增加细菌细胞膜通透性 C.毒性较大,用药须谨慎 D.不能与氨基苷类抗生素合用 E.不能与解热镇痛药和抗组胺药合用 [判断题]不准进入无风盲巷和设有栅栏、禁止入内的巷道。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交