Where Have All the Bees Gone Scientists who study insects have a real mystery on their hands. All across the country, honey bees are leaving their hives(蜂巢) and never returning. Researchers call this phenomenon colony-collapse(群体瘫痪) disorder. It is reposed that 25 to 40 percent of the honeybees in the US have vanished from their hives since last fall. So far, no one can explain why. Colony collapse is a serious concern because bees play an important role in the production of about one-third of the foods we eat. As they feed, honeybees spread pollen(花粉)from flower to flower. Without this process, a plant can’t produce seeds or fruits. Now, a group of scientists and beekeepers have teamed up to try to figure out what’s causing the alarming collapse of so many colonies. They h A. honeybees help produce one-third of the foods we eat. B. parasites on bees may spread everywhere. C. honeybees cannot find enough food elsewhere. D. honeybees feed on flowers. [单选题]《消防给水及消火栓系统技术规范》GB50974-2014规定,建筑内消火栓栓口出水压力大于( )Mpa时必须设置减压装置。
A.0.5 B.0.7 C.1 D.2 [判断题]采用36V安全电压后,就一定能保证绝对不会再发生触电事故了。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]辙叉翼垂直裂纹一条裂纹长度宽( )。
A.40mm B.50mm C.60mm D.80mm [单选题]对跨度24m及以下钢网架测量挠度时应测量( )中央一点。
A.下弦 B.腹杆 C.上弦 D.任意 [多项选择]航班不正常包括( )等不正常情况。
A. 航班提前起飞 B. 航班取消 C. 航班加降 D. 航班飞越 [单选题](护考题)小儿男10月龄。常规生长发育前囟门未闭合,家长担心发育不正常,护士告知家长正常小儿前囟门闭合年龄是
A.10~11个月 B.12~18个月 C.20~22个月 D.22~24个月 E.24~30个月 [单选题]Musset征,常见于何种疾病
A.主动脉瓣狭窄; B.震颤麻痹; C.颈椎病; D.重度贫血; E.严重主动脉瓣关闭不全; [判断题]
用单频正弦波调幅,100%调幅时,调幅波中的载波功 率为调幅波总功率的50%。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]半桥互补桥路适合于下面哪一种试验的测试()
A.结构或构件的单向应力 B.结构或构件的反对称应力 C.结构或构件的组合应力 D.结构或构件的对称应力 [单项选择]应用止血带时错误的方法是()
A. 止血带应扎在伤口的近心端,并应尽量靠近伤口 B. 前臂和小腿不适于扎止血带 C. 上臂扎止血带时,应扎在下1/3处,以防损伤桡神经 D. 止血带与皮肤之间应加衬垫,以免损伤皮肤 E. 上止血带的伤员必须作标记,记上使用止血带日期、时间和部位并挂在醒目的部位,便于观察 [判断题]张某就其医疗卫生方面的信息向市卫生局要求公开查阅,那么,张某应当出示有效身份证件或证明文件。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Can you imagine how you would feel if you fell dangerously ill and could not reach or call a doctor Millions of people (1) the world are in this unfortunate (2) , living in distant places (3) there are no railways, no proper roads and no telephones. Thousands of (4) are lost every year (5) could have been saved if medical attention (6) in time. (7) today help could be brought quickly and easily (8) many of these people (9) full advantage was taken (10) the aeroplane. (11) country has proved this (12) than Australia. The Australians (13) greater use of the aeroplane than any (14) people in the world. In no other country (15) the total number of miles flown by the (16) person so high. In fact, it has been (17) that Australians jump into planes (18) people in other countries jump into trains and buses. It is not surprising, A. of
B. else C. Japanese D. other [判断题]( )依据《建筑施工安全检查标准》(JGJ59)必须保证现场人员卫生饮水
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]. OSI参考模型有三个主要概念,它们是
A.服务 B.接口 C.协议 D.传输 [单选题]《煤矿安全规程》第四十六条规定:斜井(巷)施工期间兼作行人道时,必须每隔()M设置躲避硐并设红灯。
A.40 B.50 C.60 [单项选择]Teachers need to be aware of the emotional, intellectual, and physical changes that young adults experience. And they also need to give serious (21) to how they can be best (22) such changes. Growing bodies need movement and (23) , but not just in ways that emphasize competition. (24) they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges, teenagers are especially self-conscious and need the (25) that comes from achieving success and knowing that their accomplishments are (26) by others. However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much com petition that it would be (27) to plan activities in which there are more winners than los ers, (28) , publishing newsletters with many student-written book reviews, (29) student artwork, and sponsoring book discussion clubs. A variety of small clubs can pro vide (30) opportunities for leadership, as well as for
A. assistance B. guidance C. confidence D. tolerance [多项选择](二)
某公司要招聘一位负责市场开发的管理人员,应聘者络绎不绝。第一轮面试时,总经理对所有应聘者说:“请你们哪位帮个小忙,到楼下搬5张桌子和10把椅子来。”有的应聘者对此毫无反应,抓紧时间埋头看公司有关招聘资料。有几位应聘者立刻转身下楼,有的独自扛来一张桌子,有的独自搬来两把椅子。其中有一位应聘者(小N)在听了总经理的话后并没有急着下楼,而是召集了几位应聘者一同下楼,将其余的桌子和椅子全部抬上了楼。第一轮面试结束,凡是下楼搬桌椅的人都顺利通过,进入下一轮。 第二轮面试是当场作文,题目是《勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之》。考试结束后,众应聘者对自己的表现十分满意,欢欢喜喜地离开了。离开时,几乎所有参加面试的应聘者都将自己用过的一次性纸杯留在了自己的位置上,只有小N起身时将自己的纸杯随手带走,放进了门口的废物筒里。最后结果,小N应聘成功。 下列表述中,不属于应聘者在第一轮面试中被淘汰的原因是( )。 A. 对应聘很重视,准备很认真 B. 对总经理的要求没有作出积极的反应 C. 缺乏良好的道德修养 D. 他们跟着小N一起搬了桌椅 [多选题]各单位要按照"四个管住"重点内容和支撑体系建设要求,健全( )、( )、( )、安管中心等管理规章制度,规范工作标准和工作流程,为"四个管住"实施提供坚强保障。
A.作业风险 B.安全准入考试 C.安全督查 D.标准化作业细则 [不定项选择题]A.氟烷
A.恩氟烷 B.地氟烷 C.琥珀胆碱 D.筒箭毒碱 E.小儿麻醉与成人剂量相近( ) [单选题]在应急救援过程中,组织群众撤离危险区域时,应选择合理的(),避免横穿危险区域。
A.撤离时间 B.撤离路线 C.撤离地点 [单项选择]当误删一张表页后,进行恢复的方法是()。
A. 删除后无法进行恢复 B. 可以在底稿模板中重新插入 C. 在回收站中还原 D. 重新读入底稿 [单项选择]“历代王朝都以‘会典’‘律例’‘典章’或‘车服制’‘舆服制’‘丧服制’等各种条文颁布律令,规范和管理各阶层的穿衣戴帽,对服装的质料、色彩、花纹和款式都有详尽的规定,不遗琐细地区分君臣士庶服装的差别,违者要以僭礼逾制处以重罚。”材料中有关服饰的规定体现了我国古代政治制度的特征是()
A. 浓厚的宗族色彩 B. 神权和王权相结合 C. 嫡长子继承制 D. 严格的等级制度 [判断题]农户小额贷款采用自助可循环方式的,可循环贷款额度期限不超过3年。
[单选题]我国《铁路技术管理规程》中规定:160km/h<V≤200km/h时为( )。
A.4000mm B.4200mm C.4400mm D.5000mm [单选题]处方一般不得超过几日用量
A.7天 B.5日 C.10天 D.3日 E.1月 [单选题]( )在调车作业前,必须亲自并督促组内人员充分做好准备,认真进行检查。
A.车站站长 B.调车区长 C.连结员 D.调车长 [单项选择]在中国画中,浓得化不开的工笔重彩,毫无疑问是美。但是在一张玉版宣上,寥寥数笔便经营出一种意境的水墨画,当然也是美。前者,所有景物统统呈现在眼前,一览无余;后者,是一种省略艺术,墨色有时淡得接近于无。可表面虽是无,并不等于观者眼中的无,作者心中的无,那大片大片的空白,其实是给人留下想象的空间。“空山不见人,但闻人语响”,没画出来的,要比画出来的更耐人思索。
这段文字意在说明( )。 A. 水墨画比工笔重彩画更美 B. 水墨画是深得淡之美的一种艺术 C. 浓与淡相辅相成才能创作更好的作品 D. 浓到好处,不易;淡而韵味犹存,似乎更难 [判断题]PS6000+的根画面有且只能有一个。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交