A mobile phone is no longer just a
phone -- it is also a music player, video camera and personal organizer. And
mobile phones with television programming are just around the corner. But the
more functions cell phone manufacturers add, the greater the amount of power the
phones use and the less practical running them on lithium (锂) batteries becomes
-- so the race to find a viable alternative is on. Two of the world’s biggest electronics makers, Hitachi and Toshiba, are currently competing against each other to come up with an alternative, most likely to be micro fuel cells. The task has been set by Japan’s second largest mobile phone provider, KDDI, which wants its customers to soon be able to use special television programming on their handsets, and has asked the two electronics companies to come up with a better po A. there is a television in the phone B. it is inconvenient to use C. it can’t provide enough power D. people have found substitutes [判断题]在RLC串联电路中,当xL< Xc 时,总电压滞后电流(填超前或滞后),电路呈现容性。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]土石方工程应编制专项施工安全方案.
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者男,60岁。突发右上肢无力,且言语不能,约20分钟恢复正常,发作后检查神经系统正常。最可能的诊断是
A.脑出血 B.癔症发作 C.短暂性脑缺血发作 D.局限性癫痫 E.脑栓塞 [多项选择]以下所列毒物中,人们一旦误服中毒,应用亚甲蓝即可解毒的是()
A. 异烟肼 B. 麦角胺 C. 瘦肉精 D. 氰化物 E. 亚硝酸钠 [单项选择]使用的( )出口服装须经检验检疫机构检查产品质量和有关标识标志和标识内容。
A. 中性包装 B. 男性包装 C. 女性包装 D. 以上都是 [单项选择]社会主义优越性归根到底要体现在:()
A. 人民的生活比资本主义国家的人民生活过得更好 B. 生产力发展超过资本主义 C. 精神文明比资本主义文明高 D. 民主程度比资本主义民主程度高 [单项选择]Both English and French ______ in Canada.
A. have spoken B. is spoken C. are spoken [多项选择]
高科电子公司会计周丽因工作努力,钻研业务,积极提出合理化建议,多次被公司评为先进会计工作者。周丽的丈夫在一家私有电子企业任总经理,在其 丈夫的多次请求下,周丽将在工作中接触到的公司新产品研发计划及相关会计资料复印件提供给其丈夫,给公司造成了一定的损失,但尚未构成犯罪。公司认为她不 宜继续担任会计工作。 对周丽违反会计职业道德的行为可由()给予处罚。A. 财政部门 B. 会计职业团体 C. 高科电子公司 D. 公安机关 [单项选择]男性,52岁。车祸伤2小时。体格检查:神志清,血压105/75mmHg。气管向左侧移位,右胸壁大量皮下捻发感,右胸叩诊鼓音,右侧呼吸音明显减弱。胸片:右第4、8、9肋骨折,左第7、8、9肋骨折,右肺压缩90%。首要的处理是()
A. 牵引固定 B. 胸带固定 C. 胸腔闭式引流 D. 剖胸探查,修补肺破裂处 E. 气管插管,加压扩张肺部 [判断题] 判断题 县级以上人民政府安全生产监督管理部门不具备安全生产监管执法职责。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交