We arrived in Naples on the Sunday
night, and spent the night on the ship. The next morning we went ashore. We
weren’t leaving again till six o’clock that evening, so we had the day to see
Naples. Well, we walked around the streets a bit, and looked at this and that.
And then I wanted to see the ruins of Pompeii, of course. I saw a taxi, and we stopped it, and asked the taxi-driver to take us to Pompeii. He said something, and shook his head. We couldn’t understand what was going on. You know what taxi-drivers are alike, all over the world. Eitherit’s too far, or too close, or the wrong dis- trict, or they’re just going home to dinner, or they don’t know the place you are talking about, or they can only take you there if you pay a special rate. I tried to find out what the reason was this A. everything in Italy closes on Mondays B. there is nothing worth visiting in Italy C. taxi-drivers in all parts of the world are unbelievable D. it is unwise to speak English in Italy [判断题]在交流电路中,电压与电流的相位差为零,该电路必定是纯电阻电路。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司安全管理规定》,各级安全监管机构应遵循()闭环管理要求,有计划地组织例行和专项安全检查、督查,对本单位安全管理工作开展全过程、全方位的安全监管,及时查找安全生产和隐患排查中的安全问题,提出整改要求并实行()、闭环管控和挂牌督办。
A. PDCA B. PCDA C. 5W2H D. SECP [多选题]水泥按其质量可分为()。
A.优质水泥 B.优良水泥 C.合格水泥 D.不合格水泥 E.废品 [单选题]外送培训,包含培训费.差旅费.资料费合计超过( )元,职工需与公司签订培训服务合同。
A.500. B.100.0. C.150.0. D.200.0. [单项选择]肾衰当GFR减少至正常的10%以下,血肌酐>707μmol/L时为()。
A. 氮质血症期 B. 肾衰早期 C. 肾贮备能力下降期 D. 尿毒症期 E. 肾衰竭期 我来回答: 提交