The sources of anti-Christian feeling
were many and complex. On the more intangible side, there was a general pique
against the unwanted intrusion of the Western countries; there was an
understandable tendency to seek an external scapegoat for internal disorders
only tangentially attributable to the West and perhaps most important, there was
a virile tradition of ethnocentrism, vented long before against Indian Buddhism,
which, since the seventeenth century, focused on Western Christianity.
Accordingly, even before the missionary movement really got under may in the
mid-nineteenth century, it was already at a disadvantage. After 1860, as
missionary activity in the hinterland expanded, it quickly became apparent that
in addition to the intangibles, numerous tangible grounds for Chinese hostility
abounded. In part, the very presence A. many problems in China came from internal disorders due to Western influence B. many problems in China came from China itself and were unrelated to the West C. scapegoats perform a necessary function and there should be more of them D. all of the above are true [单项选择]单击“窗口”菜单底部列出的文档名称之一是( )。
A. 打开该文档 B. 把该文档窗口置为当前窗口 C. 新建一个窗口来编辑该文档 D. 关闭该文档 [单选题]加工不通孔螺纹时,使切屑向上排出,丝锥的容屑槽做成( )。
A.左旋槽 B.右旋槽 C.直槽 D.横槽 [多项选择]下列是造成人工牙咬合过低的原因有()
A. 人工牙材质有缺陷,不耐磨 B. 缺牙区牙槽嵴吸收,基托下沉 C. 患者紧咬合,人工牙严重磨耗 D. 义齿装盒充胶时,充胶量不足 E. 义齿蜡型制作过程中,人工牙蜡型无咬合接触或接触不紧 [判断题]候机隔离区,是指根据安全需要在候机楼(室)内划定的供旅客等待登机的区域。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列各项中,()并不是金融压抑的表现。
A. 利率限制 B. 信贷配额 C. 金融监管 D. 金融资产单调 [多选题]《上海浦东发展银行运营工作人员违规积分管理办法》(浦银运营[2017]11号)规定,各分行运营管理部门应当根据本办法的规定,制定(),明确本分行违规积分具体开展的()、()、()等方面的安排,并报总行运营管理部备案。
A.A.本分行违规积分工作实施细则 B.B.机制 C.C.流程 D.D.岗位 [单项选择]Z分模型是由( )首先建立的。
A. 卡普兰 B. 爱德华·奥特曼 C. 安德鲁斯 D. 钱德勒 [单选题]在流体电阻测井中,抽汲量的大小取决于()量的大小。
A.边水 B.底水 C.外来水 D.油层水 [单选题]以下检查方法不属于喷射混凝土厚度的是( )
A.检查喷层厚度控制标志 B.凿孔测量 C.雷达检测 D.小锤轻击 [单选题]侦查人员讯问犯罪嫌疑人时,下列表述错误的是:
A.侦查人员不得少于二人 B.首先让其如实作陈述 C.应当制作讯问笔录 D.传唤持续的时间最长不得超过 12 小时 [单项选择]甲状腺功能亢进心脏痛心律失常最常见的是()
A. 房性期前收缩 B. 室性期前收缩 C. 交界性期前收缩 D. 阵发性房颤 E. 房室传导阻滞 我来回答: 提交