The most important thing when honoring
guests from foreign countries is to accept and understand the differences. Here
are some of the differences that people have in their different
cultures. In the United States, Britain and most Western countries, men should remove their hats (including baseball caps) when attending church services, at funerals and during the singing of the national anthem. A gentleman never wears a hat inside a building, and a guest who walks into someone’s home wearing a hat is considered a buffoon whose parents did a bad job of educating their offspring——for it rarely rains inside a house! The French are not rude, but they do not like smiles. They just believe that anyone who smiles a lot is an idiot. If you want to relate to the French, smile with your eyes, do not grin with your mouth. Do not bring wine A. great B. obscene C. wonderful D. all right [多选题]下列()情形,违反《福建省公安数字证书管理办法》规定。
A. 私自将公安数字证书转借他人或冒用他人公安数字证书非法查询公安信息数据 B.非工作需要,替他人查询公民个人信息数据 C.非工作需要,擅自查询并向他人或社会提供公安数据 D.非工作需要,擅自查询并向他人或社会提供公安案件信息数据 [简答题]白朴的《墙头马上》是怎样歌颂妇女的反抗精神的?
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]企业员工培训需求分析应从()方面进行。
A. 企业 B. 工作 C. 个人 D. 国家 E. 社会 [判断题]电工刀的手柄是无绝缘保护的,不能在带电导线或器材上剖切,以免触电。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]According to the writer, the right way to argue is to ______.
[单选题]某公开发行A股的股份有限公司采取永续增长的股利政策,股利每年增长3%,预计下年 股利为0.6元/股,当前公司股票市场价格为9.6元/股,公司所得税税率为25%,该公司普通股票 的资金成本为 ( )
A.9.25% B.6.94% C.9.43% D.7.08% [单选题]驻铁路局军事代表办事处应当于每 18 日前,按照( )向驻在铁路局提交下月管内铁路军事运输装车计划数,于每月 21 日前提交铁路军事运输计划摘录。
A.发送局别 B.到站 C.到达局别 D.发站 [单选题]呼吸性酸中毒合并代谢性酸中毒时,常伴有( )
A.高钾血症 B.低钾血症 C.高氯血症 D.低氯血症 E.低钠血症 [单选题]迟交款计算收缴时间,从应收该项费用之()计算。
A.当日起至付款日止 B.次日起至付款日止 C.当日18点起至付款日止 D.第三日起至付款日止 [多选题]坚持党管干部,加强( ),定期组织述职述学述廉,培养忠诚干净担当的高素质干部队伍。
A.教育 B.引导 C.管理 D.监督 [单项选择]特征音也叫做()
A. 独特性发声 B. 功能性发声 C. 特殊性发声 D. 特色性发声 我来回答: 提交