{{B}}The Top 10 Cars that Americans Hate{{/B}} Times are so difficult for the auto industry that even Toyota and Honda have now experienced the kinds of double-digit sales dips that have been with American auto giants General Motors and Ford all year. Sales for the entire industry were down 25.6 percent collectively in September as consumers grew nervous about making big-ticket purchases. In good economic times and bad alike, however, there are some vehicles that American consumers seem to hate outright. And they’re not just the big SUVs that are currently out of favor. It turns out, the ears American consumers hate the most come in many different shapes and sizes, and they’re disliked for a wide array of reasons. "Buyers make the same choices and buy the safe brand," says Jessica Caldwell, man [判断题]进出配电设备室(箱)应随手关门,巡视完毕应上锁。单人进行配电设备巡视时,允许打开配电设备柜门、箱盖。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]鼻腔及鼻窦最常见的良性肿瘤是()
A. 乳头状瘤 B. 腺瘤 C. 血管瘤 D. 骨瘤 E. 淋巴管瘤 [判断题]《社区居民自治章程》由街道办事处制定并负责解释。
[单选题]供电方作业人员应检查客户( )中所列安全措施是否正确完备,是否符合现场实际条件,必要时予以补充完善。
A.工作票 B.工作单 C.任务单 D.抢修单 [多选题]增强神经肌肉接头传递的因素有( )
A. Ca2+ B. 新斯的明 C. K+ D. 胆碱酯酶 E. 箭毒 [多选题]金海洋财富管理中心场地的使用,可用作客户的?
A.私人会客 B.小型会议 C.小型沙龙 D.小型活动 [判断题]在进行容量分析时,由于操作人员读数不准造成的误差叫系统误差。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]An entry made to record an accrual, such as bad debt expense, that is not yet reflected in the accounting system is best described as a(n):()
A. ledger entry. B. adjusting entry. C. trial balance entry. [单选题]眼镜片镀膜的种类不包括( )。
A.色彩膜 B.偏振膜 C.增透膜 D.滤光膜 [单选题]急非淋白血病最佳诱导治疗缓解方案为()