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发布时间:2023-10-10 03:55:32

[单项选择]The only thing()really matters to the children is how soon they can return to their aunt and uncle’s farm.
A. that
B. what
C. which
D. this

更多"The only thing()really matters to t"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The only thing () really matters m the parents is how soon their children can return home.
A. what
B. that
C. which
D. this
[单项选择]It was really an unfortunate thing that he underwent four______ operations in less than two years.
A. exclusive
B. successive
C. inclusive
D. positive
[单项选择] Advertising to Children (1) Not only are they easily swayed by advertising, they are also persuasive in encouraging their parents to buy a product. If a child wants something in their kid's locker, they will prod and annoy their parents until they get what they want.(2)All it takes is a little suggestion from a single advertisement to send them on their way. (3) In a campaign entitled "Kids are the Star", its employees were encouraged to pay special attention to children and to make sure they had a positive experience while eating at its restaurants. The reason for this, naturally, was not that the McDonald's corporation cared deeply about the well-being of children everywhere, but that the pester-power that children have is extraordinarily effective at bringing their parents back for more visits. The way that advertisers target children is simple big, bright lights, happy people and animated characters are all that is needed to encourage children to think a certain product is something they want. (4)They do not realize that Ronald McDonald is just a guy in a Costum and make-up, and that behind the counter of every McDonald's is a bunch of kids working in uncomfortable conditions for low pay. This poses a real moral dilemma for those who make the advertising decisions, or at least it should. (5)How do you say no to an opportunity to reach such a wide audience of children, who act as advertisers themselves when they encourage other children and their parents to buy a particular product? 1.()
A. While manipulating children into believing lies, especially encouraging them to eat unhealthy foods, is obviously bad, the purpose of business is to make money
B. The superficial reactions children get from eating McDonald's last about as long as they are at the place
C. McDonald's at one stage advised employees to specifically target children
D. Children are a prime target for advertisers and salesmen across the world
E. Anyone who has seen a child pester its parents knows the lengths children can go to
F. This is because children are naive; they genuinely believe what an advertiser tells them
[单项选择]The only thing I have is this bill the publisher’s name and address() 
A. with on
B. byin
C. in-on
[单项选择] int a_really_really_really_long_variable_name=5;   int _hi=6;   int big=Integer.getInteger(“7”);   int $dollars=8;   int %percent=9;   有几个可以通过编译?()  
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 1
[单项选择] 现有如下五个声明: Linel: int a_really_really_really_long_variable_name=5 Line2: int _hi=6; Line3: int big=Integer. getlnteger("7”); Line4:int $dollars=8; line5: int %opercent=9; 哪行无法通过编译?()
A. Line1
B. Line3
C. Line4
D. Line5
[单项选择]Which film is for children
[单项选择]The song () by children.
A. is   often  sung
B. wa  soften   sung
C. sings
D. has   often    sung
[单项选择] 现有如下五个声明:   int a_really_really_really_long_variable_name = 5;  int _hi =6;   int big = Integer.getInteger("7");   int $dollars = 8;   int %percent = 9;   有几个可以通过编译?()  
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
[单项选择]The reason some children are backward in speaking is most probably that ______.
A. they are incapable of learning language rapidly
B. they arc exposed to too much language at once
C. their mothers respond inadequately to their attempts to speak
D. their mothers are not intelligent enough to help them
[单项选择]Children were expected to be obedient and contribute to the well-being of the family.
A. smart
B. efficient
C. painstaking
D. submissive
[判断题]When children learn to distinguish between the sounds of their language and the sounds that are not part of the language, they can acquire any sounds in their native language once their parents teach them.
[单项选择] Teaching Children to Spend Pocket Money Wisely School-going children need pocket money for food, stationery and bus fares. Parents give pocket money to their children in different ways. Some give a lump sum at the beginning of a month or a week. ____1____ The way in which pocket money is given affects how money is spent or saved. On the other hand, the children's spending habits may affect how pocket money is given. Pocket money given on a daily basis is sometimes termed as "food money". ____2____ They learn how to manage small sums of money. As the money is limited, they have to control their spending. Some parents choose this method of allocating pocket money in order to prevent their children from overspending, hoping that in time they can be trusted with larger sums of money. ____3____. Giving pocket money on a daily basis places responsibilities of budgeting on the parents, instead of the child. The child may spend every single cent of the daily pocket money by overindulging in junk food, as they know they will get another sum of money the next day. This results in children being short-sighted in their spending. ____4____ They may develop the mentality that money is meant to be spent. Others spend more than they are given. They borrow from their siblings or their classmates when they feel like indulging themselves. Then they may ask for money to pay off their debts. This habit of borrowing causes them to depend on others to solve their problems. ____5____. ____3____内应选()
A. There is no better way to teach children to manage money than to start with their pocket money.
B. The thought of saving money never crossed their minds.
C. Children usually use the pocket money to buy food during recess and also at lunch hour if they have school activities in the afternoon.
D. Others prefer to give pocket money on a daily basis.
E. Parents who earn daily wages may also opt for this due to financial constraints.
F. In such instances, the purpose of rationing is defeated.


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