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发布时间:2024-05-15 19:12:50

[单项选择]Questions 53 to 56 are based on the following passage: (书外文章)Thomas Jefferson was inaugurated on March 4, 1801. He was the first President to take the oath of office in the nation’s permanent capital-Washington, D.C. Although Washington was a new city, it was already familiar to President Jefferson. In fact, Jefferson had helped plan the capital’s streets and public buildings. Besides being a city planner and architect the new President was a writer, a scientist, and the inventor of several gadgets and tools. After his inauguration, Jefferson moved into the Presidential Palace. The Palace was more than a home; it contained offices for the President and some of his staff and advisors. It also included dining and reception rooms, where the President could entertain congressmen. However, President Jefferson did not give many formal parties. This was partly because there was no First Lady. Jefferson’s wife had died in 1782. But it was also because Jefferson liked to live in a sim
A. a meeting place for newspaper
B. a hotel for visiting kings
C. an office building and home
D. a museum for colonial American tools and gadgets

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[单项选择]Questions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.
Our government recently has focused on the importance of investment in clean energy and energy efficiency as the best way to sustain ably grow America’s dying economy, and President Obama has called for the creation of a high-speed rail system as a way to generate green jobs, enhance economic productivity and reduce carbon emissions. The White House has announced the awarding of $ 8 billion in stimulus funding to kick-start high-speed-rail projects and improve service in 13 corridors across the country.
That’s a nice move, but America’s antiquated (旧式的,过去的) rail system will have to advance a long way just to make it to the present, let alone the future. U. S. intercity railroads are a laughingstock compared with those in most other developed nations.
Today you can travel the 250 miles from Paris to Lyon on the high-speed TGV in two hours. Covering a similar distance from Philadelphia to Bos
A. It is already a high-speed rail system.
B. It attracts a lot of fund for improvement.
C. It covers a long way nationwide.
D. It lags far behind other developed nations.
[填空题]Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.
The World Health organization is (47) countries to follow six policies to (48) millions of tobacco-related deaths. The six policies are known as MPOWER, spelled M P-O-W-E-R.
The M is for (49) tobacco use and prevention policies. The P is for protecting people by establishing (50) areas. O stands for offering services to help people stop smoking. W is for warning people about the (51) of tobacco. E is for enforcing bans on tobacco advertising and other forms of marketing. And R is for raising taxes (52) tobacco.
The WHO says in a major new report that raising taxes is the single most (53) way to reduce tobacco use. A study found that governments now collect an (54) of five hundred times more money in tobacco taxes each year than they spend on control efforts.
The WHO says tobacco now (55) more than five million deaths
[填空题]Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.
A famous US climate scientist at the centre of the "climategate’ has been virtually cleared of professional misconduct by an internal university inquiry. Michael Mann of Penn State University featured regularly in the more than 1 000 emails that were hacked from the University of East Anglia (UEA) in the UK last November. His emails and comments have since then featured in countless blogs and news articles. Some have claimed the emails reveal that many climate scientists have changed data in order to demonstrate that climate change is caused by human activities. The scientists in the emails, including Mann, have also been accused of seeking to prevent the publication of doubting research in academic journals.
Penn State University opened an inquiry into Mann’s behavior in November, shortly after the emails were leaked into the public attention. After going through 1 075 emails and focusing on that were believed
[单项选择]Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.
Now listen to the passage.

The main aim of the speaker is to ______.
A. explain the derivation of the word "tip"
B. illustrate why difficult customers give bad tips
C. put forward reasons for a salary increase
D. indicate how one can get better service
[单项选择]Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now listen to the passage.

What does the passage mainly discuss
A. How canals are constructed.
B. Common types of canal boats and barges.
C. The world’s largest canals.
D. How canals are used and classifie


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